Hi R2 and Tones

I saw my name in the post. So I wanted to reply!

1. While there are many other developers/contributors who *deserve to be
named* here, I absolutely name Saq Imtiaz. His talent and great
contributions to Tiddlywiki core and community tools is not deniable.
2. I have never considered myself as a Tiddlywiki developer/contributor, as
I had no or little contribution (I do not know any JS), but I tried to
solve my own problems by asking many questions here in the group or GitHub
and if I solved the problem I shared it with enough documentation
lets others use it be able further develop it (my career is like this! at
university we publish free of charge what we find!)! I asked to star some
projects because I wanted to know if there is any interest to maintain it
(Shiraz has the highest stars = 38 which you can consider as nill!)
3. I definitely support the idea to donate to Tiddlywiki itself and
developers/contributors! and like Google Summer Code, I propose Tiddlywiki
Summer Code to fund some ideas/projects (the fund can be provided as
community donation, ...)

Best wishes

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 11:36 AM R² <renaud.dav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tones,
> Thanks for raising this major question. As most non-developers, despite
> being an active user, I am mostly a passive bystander as far as the
> community is concerned. I am of course highly aware of how much I rely on
> developers such as yourself for my favourite tools and feel strongly about
> finding ways to contribute towards making sure TiddlyWiki can continue to
> thrive.
> I've been thinking about this on and off since Soren released his
> incredible Grok Tiddlywiki in particular, as Soren has recently released
> two projects that really resonate with me and has considerably empowered me
> in my tinkering. I finalized a one-off donation this morning after ticking
> off another chapter of Grok TW, but the issue is of course that supporting
> only one developer/documenter, especially as a one-off, feels like an easy
> cop out, and ideally this would have to be balanced out by something that
> makes sure that the key developers are also properly taken into account and
> contributes to some sort of long-term stability and predictability for
> developers.
> Now, who are the key developers? Users like me cannot possibly be expected
> to be discerning in that matter when deciding how and where to direct their
> donation. Your top of mind seems to be Jeremy, Mario and Eric, as well as
> yourself to some extent I imagine. Let me tell me about mine. I'd mention
> Jeremy, Dave Gifford and Mohammed, but simply because those are names that
> stuck to my mind while lurking around the forum for my own intents and
> purposes. I would have recognized your icon, though I'd probably have
> associated it to Dave. There's also a guy with a icon of a wolf that I find
> pretty neat and some interesting mannerisms, and another one with a flat
> comics face that seems to be a real regular but I couldn't remember his
> name without checking. I never really went on the Github page except to
> star the project. In reality, I have no precise idea who's contributing
> most and I have a feeling many potential donors wouldn't either. What I
> have is an uninformed, biased vision of someone who couldn't possibly
> intelligently support an individual developer other than based on external
> wow factor alone or random mental shortcuts.
> There are probably many more developers out there, with very different
> personal situations. Some would benefit greatly from more money at a
> personal level, while others have high paying jobs and would view this as
> beer or coffee money. Some, including yourself would actually be able to
> commit more time to Tiddlywiki or avoid dropping out by having more funds
> go their way, and these are not necessarily the same as the former group,
> and perhaps even developers that are completely out of the picture at
> present. Beyond this counterfactual, there's also the question of the "bang
> for the buck": a dollar in Iran has more purchasing power that in the US...
> So many questions that personally have led me to a situation of analysis
> paralysis regarding Tiddlywiki and yet, here I am, also a long-term monthly
> donator to Linux Mint. Mint provided me with an easy "set and forget"
> mechanism to support the community, presenting me with a nice, trustworthy
> black box to address my money to. It's easy to view this support through
> the SaaS lens too. I currently pay $5 a month, an amount I decided based
> both on my modest means and on what Microsoft probably managed to squeeze
> out of me on average when I was a Windows user. I also pay for my Internet
> access (a share of €18/2=€9 per month), my phone bill (€5*2=€10 for my two
> lines), an Internet server and domain names, and pay around €120 per year
> for other software (mostly as donations these days). Supporting my PIM
> shouldn't be any different, and I indeed used to pay for Evernote a few
> years ago for a much inferior product with no authentic sense of purpose.
> My absolute ideal solution as a user would be to have the same kind of
> support mechanism for TiddlyWiki, no accountability needed, just knowing
> the core developers have found some sort of agreement and viable form of
> governance would be enough as far as I'm concerned and I'd pay $10/month in
> my current situation, plus $50–100 per year on an ad hoc basis.
> On top of that, I'd love to have clear opportunities for one-off
> donations, either ex-post or for earlier releases. A nice feature would be
> to have make this expense-friendly because many of us can file reasonable
> outside expenses for such things, either as independents or employees. Your
> prize pool idea is interesting, but I guess we wouldn't want, say, three
> developers to waste their time carrying out the same kind of work in triple
> to claim a given prize given how few you are. From a individual standpoint,
> I think the most promising proposal would therefore be "a list of tools you
> can choose to sponsor for earlier release through donations which also act
> as an upvote" as I find the core extremely polished for my own needs and
> I'd of course love to cast a vote in favour of new and shiny things that I
> could get to use. Your last idea, offering a private method to commission
> work is also of course something to consider of course. It seems there's no
> "Tiddlywiki developer for hire" page on tiddlywiki.com, which seems like
> a missed opportunity.
> Hope this helps.
> Best,
> R²
> Le jeudi 20 mai 2021 à 02:22:43 UTC+2, TW Tones a écrit :
>> Folks,
>> A lot of contributors here are deserving of reward for their efforts. As
>> a result I do make one off or continuing patreon donations to a few in our
>> community.
>> The discussion of money can be difficult but I would like to hear your
>> considered thoughts.
>> In my own circumstances I am currently unemployed, If I take a full time
>> job, I will have far less time for TiddlyWiki, although I hope to use it in
>> my job.
>> As you may be aware I already try and contribute a lot to the community
>> and as a result of developing  super user or designer skills I have
>> designed many tools and features for tiddlywiki. Basically I have a library
>> of many dozens of tools, however I have not being able to justify the time
>> to polish and publish them. Many of my tools are designed to fill gaps that
>> arise, as I develop larger tiddlywiki solutions, mostly for my self.
>> What I would like your feedback on both as users and developers is the
>> possibility of some of us (especially myself) being able to attract some
>> sponsorship to get the job done. Here are my thoughts;
>>    - Provide a patreon or similar channel for regular donations to
>>    sponsor my time producing such open source solutions.
>>    - Provide a requests channel, so people can submit a request for a
>>    solution.
>>    - Provide a list of tools you can choose to sponsor for earlier
>>    release through donations which also act as an upvote.
>>    - Finally offer a private method to commission work.
>> Given my belief in Open source I  would continue to contribute much for
>> free, especially contributions to the forums. Any work funded by
>> sponsorship or donations would be made freely available to the community.
>> Only specific and private commissions may not, although components may be.
>> *Some possible issues*
>> One issue for me is even if people value such a service to request or
>> bring forward particular solutions, ultimately I will still need to depend
>> on the generosity of others when I need help in the forums. I do still have
>> a few areas of weakness. Whilst I can see circumstances when donations may
>> permit me to commission others I don't expect this would be so common,
>> unless my earnings are sufficient to cover this. Perhaps I can grant
>> contributors credit in my own "shop" for thanks.
>> Equity for people such as Jeremy and other developers needs to be
>> addressed. Can we find a way to encourage more contributions to those such
>> as Jeremy, Mario and Eric without the community becoming an "only if funded
>> model". Of course if people are in a position to give their time freely we
>> want to encourage this to continue.
>> If I am going to do this I need to start in a hurry, so I do not want to
>> add anything unnecessary to the "critical path" but perhaps we could have a
>> shared "shop".
>> Yours with trepidation and sincerity.
>> Tones
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