On Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 9:16:05 AM UTC-7 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 5:56:54 AM UTC-7 Pak wrote:
>> Suppose I have 3 tiddlers: tid-thm-a, tid-thm-b, tid-thm-c I would like 
>> to transclude them in a tiddler so that it displays the following:
>> Theorem 1. (optional caption) (...contents in tid-thm-a... displayed in 
>> block mode, but the first line should be on the same line as Theorem 1}
>> Theorem 2. (optional caption) (...contents in tid-thm-b... displayed in 
>> block mode, but the first line should be on the same line as Theorem 2}
>> Theorem 3. (optional caption) (...contents in tid-thm-c... displayed in 
>> block mode, but the first line should be on the same line as Theorem 3}
Addendum: I re-read the description of your desired layout.  My previous 
solution didn't put the tiddler contents on the same line as the "Theorem 
X."  heading.

Here's an updated solution that achieves the layout you described:

   { counter-reset: num; }
   { counter-increment: num; content: "Theorem " counter(num) "."; 
float:left; }
<div class="theorems">
   <$list filter="tid-thm-a tid-thm-b tid-thm-c">
      <div class="theorem">
         <span style="float:left;padding:0 0.5em;">(<$view 
field=caption/>)</span> <$transclude mode="block"/>
      <div style="clear:both;"></div>

* Added "float:left;" to the "theorem" class, so that it will appear before 
the caption text
* Added "float:left;padding:0 0.5em" around the caption text so that it 
will appear before the tiddler content
* Use of these two floats allows the first line of the tiddler content to 
appear on the same line as the "Theorem X." heading

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