Thanks for engaging, Saq: responses inline below.

On Friday, June 18, 2021 at 6:53:51 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> Crude, but effective enough, albeit with some editing overhead in TW that 
>> it would be nice to eliminate.  Am starting to explore the possibilities of 
>> Logseq as a potential Dynalist replacement; it does outlining in much the 
>> same way, but has some interesting export functions, including JSON and 
>> Roam JSON.  If there were a way in TW to import such exports and convert 
>> them into proper tiddlers... That would be amazing!
> It is definitely doable. How useful such an import is will depend on what 
> kind of features/markup you are using in those systems and how well they 
> would translate to wikitext. Converting pure text though is very straight 
> forward.

It is mostly plain text, but for Markdown formatting ( which I could live 
without) and links- formatted like [Google](https:// -which 
would need conversion to [[wikilinks form|]].

>> If anyone else has got some other solution for agile NoteTaking that 
>> integrates nicely with TiddlyWiki for NoteMaking, i'd be very interested to 
>> hear about it.
> To this end, it would be interesting to understand what features or 
> workflow in Dynalist (or Logseq) make it better for note taking (vs 
> TiddlyWiki) in your experience. 

Essentially it’s about speed and portability, traversing/ elaborating/ 
reorganizing outlines as fast as fingers can type, and context switching 
from local desktop to mobile phone in the field ( i.e. cloud) many times 
per day without a hitch.  If this is possible in TW, I’d love to know how… 
But i think it’s a case of architectures that are optimized for different 
things, don’t you think?


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