
Well, I not one person that uses streams every day, Me. I am also 
continuing to extends its features with my own tools.

The big boost to my use was discovering how much I can make us of drag and 
drop in both Streams and Projectify. This has changed my everyday use of 

I also see Streams as a source of ideas to develop even more general tools. 

I will volunteer for anything to do with streams, but yes I have to manage 
the rest of my life, but if you are happy if sometimes I make take time to 
get around to something count me in.

Love your work

On Saturday, 26 June 2021 at 23:21:52 UTC+10 Saq Imtiaz wrote:

> @Walt hopefully you are getting some helpful feedback here. Apologies for 
> the slight digression caused by my replying to Streams specific comments 
> and feedback.
> @fred you can also export using a filter from the Filter tab in Advanced 
> Search
> @Si,
>> On the topic of how many people use it, maybe you could consider creating 
>> a Google Form and linking to it from the download page, asking users if 
>> they would take a second to answer some brief questions?
> I've been considering it for some time actually. Apart from feedback on 
> workflow, just knowing whether the number of people regularly using Streams 
> is < 10, 10-20, or 20+ would be very helpful.
>> I was also wondering if you had considered setting up a way for users to 
>> donate? Not necessarily to fund development, just to show appreciation for 
>> great free software! I am not currently in a position to contribute much, 
>> but in the future I would certainly be happy to subscribe to a patreon or 
>> whatever.
> I think the most value for myself would be in just getting regular, 
> precise and on-topic feedback. Implementing new features in the absence of 
> user feedback is just driving blind from my perspective. I also find it 
> very frustrating and motivation sapping when I post ideas or demos and at 
> times get feedback that is far off topic or just so poorly written that it 
> is more frustrating than helpful.  Mind you, I try to be very understanding 
> of users for whom English is not their first language. It is actually very 
> pleasing how constructive and helpful this thread has been thus far in 
> comparison.  
> I've also been considering asking for volunteers for a small group of 
> regular users of Streams for testing new features.. from my perspective 
> however how, much effort I put into adding new features to Streams is 
> highly dependent on how many people regularly use it and find that it 
> imparts value. Call it a personal quirk but wanting to impart the most 
> value possible is something that often drives my decision making in terms 
> of what I dedicate my time to. Otherwise the motivation for work on Streams 
> is just whatever seems interesting for me personally from a technical 
> perspective.
>> I would add that like Mario I am very happy with the current features of 
>> streams, though I have made the following tweak to the text display for the 
>> breadcrumbs. It's a very minor thing, but in my opinion looks nicer than 
>> just cutting off the title mid-word:
>> <$text text={{{ 
>> [<display-title>length[]compare:number:lt[40]then<display-title>] 
>> ~[<display-title>split[]first[40]join[]trim[]addsuffix[...]] }}}/>
> That is definitely a nice idea. I wonder if we might take it a step 
> further and just drop the last word (which may be incomplete). This is 
> untested:
>  <$text text={{{ 
> [<display-title>length[]compare:number:lt[40]then<display-title>] 
> ~[<display-title>split[]first[40]join[]trim[]search-replace:g:regexp[(.*)\s(\w+)$],[$1]]
> }}}/>
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Saq

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