To me there is little use just demonstrating (we can do that on a guided 
video) unless one can actually use it, if only to experiment, and not loose 
the changes at the end, ie without necessarily solving the save method for 
each new user.

Here I stray off topic in some ways, but yes, this demonstrates how much 
more cool tiddlywiki could be.

As a result I am working on using the local storage plugin and saving local 
storage locally (back up only). Never the less I am contemplating doing the 

   - Building a set of preconfigured tiddlywiki's "editions" and publishing 
   them on my hosting platform, using tw-reciever (for me only) to make 
   changes as needed. Then including my aformentioned Local storage -> 
   backups/restore solution.
   - Then I will create a range of subdomains for each public edition eg: etc... with a set of 
   plugins and some simple guidance.
      - Each subdomian can act as an address within which to keep you 
      updates in the browser local storage, with backup/export/restore tools.
   - For each wiki ensure there are a number of plugin libraries installed 
   including one with test data to play with the that edition. Test data 
   should be removable while keeping user content/changes.

The idea being we can share a url and someone can go and play and even use 
each edition, at that address, indefinitely. It could even be a publicly 
facing place to find editions or what are effectively whole wiki templates. 

It seems to me this kind of solution makes the benefits greater, thus 
justifying the effort.

Remaining issues for me to complete this are;

   - I need to migrate my hosting service.
   - Finish developing the aforementioned local storage tool.
   - Find an easy way to filter tiddlers, generate and publish libraries 
   (still a bit of a rabbit hole for me)
   - Choose and build the various editions, and accompanying demo/test data 
   and basic instructions.

I could always do with some help. Especially compiling plugins and 
functionality to include in various editions. 

Some editions?

   - Code mirror plus tools for documenting code, highlight and free link 
   - Author tools including stream, print, export and custom markup for 
   common elements.
   - My current favourite that integrates, streams, projectify,  
   tiddlyTimer tools (Eric's collection), visual time line, the basket and 
   bookmark macros (modified and extended)
   - A personal use reference and bookmark library, ability to generate a 
   published wiki from this.
   - A Wiki to manage files and folders, apps etc... at least on  Windows 
   - Mobile ready editions where possible.
   - A Scratch Wiki for dumping content
   - A copy of with user annotation and notes (to help 
   - An edition for generating and distributing bookmarklets.
   - Editions using different external commenting solutions
   - JSON mangler import and export JSON, Word, CSV etc... for subsequent 
   use in other wikis.
   - FADS eg roam/gardening etc...
   - Published Macro and plugin repositories.
   - ....

In a somewhat selfish approach, everyone of these editions should represent 
some value to me, as a source of preconfigured wikis that I can quickly 
generate solutions on, to hopefully paying clients or as part of my IT 
Consulting services. I would love to be able to develop easy workflows to 
quickly deploy such editions on a host, perhaps on top of a cloud service 
provider, should any one suddenly become VERY popular.



On Saturday, 26 June 2021 at 16:56:41 UTC+10 TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> TW Tones wrote:
>> TT: *Its sad we can't easily find wikis "in the wild." I don't actually 
>> know what has been made!*
>> I too would like to see more in the wild however for myself a lot of my 
>> wikis are for personal organisation, and many are in different states of 
>> completion. They are a work in progress ...
> Absolutely! That would include 98% of mine too.
> BUT what I was trying to get at was that in order to make a SHOWCASE of 
> decent end-application wikis all we need is, say, 50+ doing 
> different/diverse things.
> So I meant finished operational wikis that the user simply, basically, 
> maintains.
> That could form a stable resource base within which new users can see the 
> range of what can been achieved with TiddlyWiki.  
> Hope this is clearer!
> TT

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