I just worked on a tool for syncing my Keep notes to TW today, it is a JS 
bookmarklet that loads and executes this gist 
<https://gist.github.com/jasonmhoule/0937d5af819d1914c7803f22ee8752d6>. I 
have only tested this on Chrome so far and there are still a couple kinks 
to work out, but I'm happy with it so far.

1. Highlight this text and drag it into your bookmarks bar:

a%3D"GitHub Gist file did not load successfully and instead returned a 
status code of 

2. Navigate to Keep. The code will iterate through all the tiddlers that 
are loaded to the view, so if your Keep is anywhere near as cluttered as 
mine, I suggest trying this on a subset. For example, I tag certain notes 
as #export, and then I can open that tag in the Keep web navbar to execute 
this script just on them.

3. Once you have the 'target' tiddlers in view, click on the bookmarklet 
and watch it pop each tiddler open in turn (one per second). Once it is 
done with this, it will download a keep-notes.json file. You can drag this 
single file into your wiki and it will import one tiddler per note. Note 
that I also use (an early version of) Projectify so the code tags each 
tiddler with "Inbox" and "todo" so that it lands for processing in TW. I 
have not looked into pulling the other Keep tags into the tiddler but will 
probably do that.

The code currently does not archive tiddlers automatically - I may add that 
some day, but want to kick the tires quite a bit more first. Also note that 
because the bookmarklet loads the gist from GH, if I make any changes in 
the future, it is the changed code that will be triggered. (I'm not sure if 
I can pin the bookmarklet down to a single commit, that would probably be 

Anyway, thought I would offer this up to see if there are thoughts/feedback 
for improvement.
On Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 3:27:21 PM UTC-5 Si wrote:

> Thanks for the responses.
> I like Keep, very nice level of simplicity and pleasant to use. Personally 
> I try to avoid Google stuff where I can, but I did notice this very nice 
> keep-style Android app that has recently appeared on Fdroid: 
> https://github.com/msoultanidis/quillnote. Unfortunately it's Android 
> only, but I'll be keeping an eye on it in case they add a way to sync the 
> notes to a computer as markdown files.
> @Tones 
> > I don't concur with your statement Si, as I think I said before  *In my 
> opinion a major weakness of TiddlyWiki is that it is not well suited to 
> quickly capturing information on the fly with minimal friction.*
> I wouldn't want to spend much time defending my view, as I think what 
> does/doesn't count as friction is pretty subjective. My biggest problems 
> are on mobile, where saving a single file wiki with Tiddloid takes too long 
> for me to ever really feel like using it. I had forgotten about 
> Projectify's quick-add feature though, which I agree is very useful for 
> quick-capture.
> > I did look into getting tiddlywiki into a browser side bar in the past. 
> I believed it worked in FireFox, but if not universal it is less 
> interesting. 
> There are a few Firefox extensions for doing this, but I couldn't get any 
> to work with a local file. Perhaps they will work with the node.js version. 
> Vivaldi has a built in feature for doing this which works very nicely with 
> TiddlyWiki: https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/panels/web-panels/
> On Thursday, 22 July 2021 at 05:35:35 UTC+1 TW Tones wrote:
>> Keep is popular.
>> I did look into getting tiddlywiki into a browser side bar in the past. I 
>> believed it worked in FireFox, but if not universal it is less interesting. 
>> That is the advantage of keep if you use a few of googles tools.
>> Tones
>> On Thursday, 22 July 2021 at 13:34:37 UTC+10 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I'm thinking it largely depends on the "ecosystem" one may be living in.
>>> Seeing as I've sold my soul to Google, Google Keep is my goto quick note 
>>> taker.
>>> I can access the full screen Google Keep, sidebar Google Keep when I'm 
>>> in the other Google Apps, and have the Google Keep Chrome Extension, to 
>>> quickly take notes while viewing some web page.
>>> So quick note taking for some heavy-duty note making in TiddlyWiki later.
>>> Mind you, I only ever use my Chromebook.  I never use my "smart" phone 
>>> for anything other than text and phone.
>>> Well, it is always a work-in-progress.
>>> On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 4:10:04 PM UTC-3 Si wrote:
>>>> This question was prompted by a discussion over in the thread on 
>>>> incremental note-taking 
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/nEDB3zRBALY/m/GjP2BqE-BAAJ>.
>>>> In my opinion a major weakness of TiddlyWiki is that it is not well 
>>>> suited to quickly capturing information on the fly with minimal friction.
>>>> For this reason I use another app as an "inbox" for quick ideas and 
>>>> tasks, which I process later on. Currently I use Evernote, but I'm 
>>>> currently in the process of looking for something else (would love to hear 
>>>> suggestions for a good replacement). The number one contender at the 
>>>> moment 
>>>> is Joplin <https://github.com/laurent22/joplin>, but I'm tempted by 
>>>> the purity of using text/markdown files if I can find a good way to handle 
>>>> them on Android.
>>>> Anyway I thought it would be interesting to prompt a discussion by 
>>>> asking the more general question: *What apps or tools do you use that 
>>>> you feel compliment TiddlyWiki well?* *What does your workflow look 
>>>> like?*
>>>> It doesn't matter the domain - note-taking and productivity are the 
>>>> obvious categories, but please be free to share any tool you use in tandem 
>>>> with TiddlyWiki.

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