I personally use the file upload plugin 
<https://opencollective.com/tiddlywiki-file-upload> to send individual 
tiddlers to GitHub, I made a button for it on my wiki :

\whitespace trim
\define tiddler-attr()[[$(currentTiddler)$]]
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="send this tiddler with file 

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-upload-tiddlers" $param=<<tiddler-attr>> 

<a class="tc-tiddlylink" title="open source file" 
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>match[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text">
<$text text=" "/>
<$text text="Send with file upload"/>

However the plugin will delete the content of your tiddler and attempt to 
link to the hosted file trough the  _canonical_uri field, so I use it only 
for image tiddlers. 
I'm sure you can find a workaround ?
Le vendredi 10 décembre 2021 à 16:03:11 UTC+1, willw a écrit :

> Does anyone have a solution for this yet?
> I'm looking for a way to save tiddlywiki as individual tiddlers directly 
> to git and GitHub (where the built-in GitHub saver saves the single-file 
> tiddlywiki to a git service).
> The single-file tiddlywiki doesn't track well in git, with big diffs for 
> small core changes. It's also hard to trace back which tiddlers were 
> changed, and autosave seems to push empty commits.
> Locally, the node.js version could be made to save to a git repo, perhaps 
> using a library like https://isomorphic-git.org, with changes staged 
> locally until a 'save' commits them. Seems like it could work from 
> single-file too, via browser storage?
> I'm considering a hacky workaround for now; using the single file GitHub 
> saver to trigger a GitHub action which runs node.js tiddlywiki to explode 
> out the tiddlers and commit them. The single-file commit can be removed if 
> used solely for saving. Then it'd be handy to have the opposite action too 
> -> build a single-file from the tiddlers.
> This'd be less needed if the single-file tiddlywiki format was more 
> diff-able, so maybe that's an option too.
> Any thoughts?

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