> I'd prefer to edit using my local vim editor, commit to a git repository 
> the source-of-truth, and have the updated content apply to my node-based
> instance using CI/CD. Does anyone have experience setting this up? 
Anything I
> should be aware of with this pattern, or is it a bad practice for some 

It's not exactly a bad practice, but it may be significantly less efficient 
other techniques. 

I have similar goals, using a git repo as the source of truth and pushing
versions with CI/CD.  I don't use vim, though; I used the built-in TW 
usually without a visible toolbar.

+1, I recognized that it would be somewhat of an odd approach and would
relegate the TW site to essentially just used for reading, but a lot of 
TW's value
is in how the information is organized.

The trouble with editing the tiddlers with an external editor is that the
feedback loop is much slower, as the back-end does not generally reload on
changes to the tiddlers.  You will often need to stop and restart.

If you edit with the in-wiki editor, your changes are immediate; you can see
them as you save, or, with preview mode, as you type.  That can be a huge 

If you're just looking for vim keyboard bindings, there is a CodeMirror
editor available.  I don't know how you would configure it, but
CodeMirror does have a vim mode, so you might be able to edit from the
UI in vim mode.  But I don't know details.

No doubt a benefit; one issue I had with the default editor is that it's a 
very small
editing textbox, and while there's the option to resize it that is really 
not my ideal
composition interface. I suspect this is simply the theme however or it can 

I have two different ways of working in Node.  In one, for wikis that are 
my own, I run in Node from a git repo, commit frequently, and occasionally
choose to push back to git.

In the other, for wikis that are meant to be read-only for most users, I do 
same thing from a local node server, but my pushes trigger a CI/CD build. 
build creates a stand-alone wiki which is then shared by GitHub/GitLab 

In either case, I have a near-instantaneous feedback loop.  I make changes
and they're rendered right away.  I don't think you'll be able to do that 
when editing with external vim.

I might just setup a job that commits and pushes to a remote repo on a 
I think that would achieve what I'm after. Thank you for your help! 

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