wow, been thinking about this for a few days. . .

1) ELS - you are doing a great job and I appreciate your patience with
all of us, and our never ending amount of questions and desire to make
TW do what we want.

2) I feel sorry for this person being frustrated, and if this person
continues using TW they will most likely end up here with questions
about customization of some sort.

I can remember a conversation I had with ELS about video chat and the
internet, and how the web allowed people to do great and not so great
things - this would be one of the not so great things. . .


On Apr 15, 2:26 pm, Eric Weir <> wrote:
> On Apr 12, 2010, at 7:51 PM, Eric Shulman wrote:
> > I just got the following message, sent via my TiddlyTools Contact
> > form:
> > from:
> > -------------------------
> > Dear God. I was so exited at finding TW, and then even more excited
> > when I saw that there were plugins that I could use. And then I came
> > here.
> > Complex, confusing over worked and unusable. You even dare to use a
> > tagline that includes the word \"Intuitive\".
> > If there were even a site to put me off of changing TW its this one.
> > Sorry, but this is ridiculous and foolish. Iv clicked around trying to
> > read tiny white text on dark backgrounds, clicking and clicking and
> > clicking. Didnt find what I wanted. have now given up and will either
> > dump TW or use it in its default state.
> First, Is that really his address? If so, it may go some way toward 
> explaining his behavior.
> Second -- discounting the first possibility -- it may have been an impulsive, 
> spur-of-the-moment reaction of a frustrated newbie. Who knows, he might stick 
> with TW long enough to come to regret his impulsive reaction.
> Third, another possibility is that this is an instance of the difficulty TW 
> presents for ordinary users -- something that obviously you, Eric, have 
> devoted yourself to remedying -- that it takes time, patience, a willingness 
> to experiment, ask for help, maybe at least a little bit of "techiness," 
> etc., to appreciate how versatile it is and to get it to work for you to do 
> the things you want to do.
> I know I diddled around with it for a year at least before became convinced 
> that it would work for me and committed myself to it. There are still some 
> things I'm not happy about, that I am apparently going to have to just "live 
> with." So be it. I wish it were otherwise, but so be it.
> Regards,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA

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