Hi Colm,

The current version looks much better. Great job!

One thing I immediately found better looking was to reduce the sidebar
border to only 2px instead of 3px.

Some more thoughts...

A) Why do confirmation popups look different from the default popup
message? Also, the public / private buttons are too small!

B) TiddlyWiki already comes with quite a bit of StyleSheetOverhead
already making it difficult at times to find the right spot or to undo
all the preapplied styling. With lattice there seem to be even more
and way too many StyleSheetsThisAndThats. This makes the situation
somewhat worse rather than better for TiddlySpace... from my point of

C) Please, no "word-wrap:break-word" in the tabsets or anywhere
else... Who even invented that? Hyphenation, anyone? Or,
abbreviat...? ;o)

D) I find the margins left to the tiddlerDisplay and right to the
sidebar to be quite a waste of real-estate. Think of people using
iframes or screenshots or photo collections in their tiddlers.

E) The buttons jump around when being hovered ...set a transparent
border to the non-hovered buttons. Also, the gradient does not work
properly, not even in FF. Or is it not supposed to?

Eventually, I fiddled a bit more with the looks...


Though I tend to sound rather critical ...all in all, this is a real
neat theme!

Cheers, Tobias.

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