
I have tried your PasteUpPlugin (still in alpha development), - and
found it extreemly useful. I think I have achieved what I wanted to do
with TW, all elegant solutions are with some few plugins. But if I'm
writting, it is to point out what may be you already notice concerning
PasteUpPlugin : some limitation using it with MatchTagPlugin. For
instance :

- TiddlerAx lists some "points", as well as TiddlerAx+1, etc.
- TiddlerB gets the "points" developped by the all the TiddlersA using
transclusion (TiddlerAx##, etc.).
- TiddlerR gets some descriptions of the above tiddlers thanks to
MatchTagPlugin (%5...).

The problem : TiddlerB shows a blank PasteUpPlugin editor as long as
the command is not <<tiddler TiddlerAx##chapter ...>>. This limitation
prevents the handy use (for me, for some reasons) of the ##
transclusion syntax.

Anyway, - solution or not in the future, many many thanks Eric for
your wonderful work on a bright concept : TW...

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