Eric Shulman wrote:
> Did you miss this example in my previous response:
> --------------
> <<search>><<slider chkSearchOptions
> [[SearchOptionsPlugin##Configuration]] options... options>>
> --------------

Thanks for putting it so kindly. Yes, I did miss it, or rather, I
ignored it. Now, before you walk away ...

In my inexperience, it wasn't clear to me that you were actually
providing a complete solution (thank you, very, very, much), not a
sample bit of code to put in ... somewhere. The real cause of that, I
think, was 'options... options', which looks like a place where I
should substitute in my own code - which (I thought at the time), I
have no idea of the nature of what should be in there, or where it
should go.

Eventually, I looked up 'slider' (,
at which point it all made perfect sense. [And revealed not a sample
for me to modify 'appropriately' (whatever the heck that might be),
but a snippet of 'put this in and all will be happy'.] Thank you so
much for this.

Not as perfect as your tiddlytools site layout, with options placed
beside search, but it will sure do - especially given the thread
comment of just how much code is behind that nice layout.

So, my final beginning bit of my SideBarOptions tiddler has become:
<<search>><<slider chkSearchOptions [[SearchOptions]] "Search
Options ..." "Opens the Search Options Panel">><<closeAll>>

Now if I can get 'Options...' in blue background, as Search Options
>>, changing to Search Options << once opened ... (-: [Much like
tiddlytools changes the background when hovering, making it look like
a button to be clicked.]

DOH! I can use » (as options, not far below it, does.) [I couldn't
figure out how to effectively escape >.]

Thank you, again.

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