Thank M. Shulman,

I tried it and it works.
Making global function causes a possibility of interaction inter-
If two tiddler have function with a similar name, the last function
loaded swipe the old.
This may be interesting, but overall, I understand the need to choose
names of different functions in different tiddlers.

Is there a way to make the the function available only in the tiddler?

Marc La Raison

On Mar 25, 4:13 pm, Eric Shulman <> wrote:
> > FireBug log show 29 errors the last one is "addPoint is not defined"....
> > I dont know what append, it's like if the definition of function addpoint() 
> > it's
> > not effective.
> > <script>
> ...
>  function addPoint() {
> ...
> > </script>
> Scripts that are invoked 'inline' (using InlineJavascriptPlugin) are
> evaluated with a *local* scope.  As a result, functions declared
> within a script block do not persist after the script is finished.  To
> declare a function that can be used outside the script block, you
> should change this:
>   function addPoint() {
> to:
>   window.addPoint=function() {
> This ensures that the function declaration is persistent, and can be
> referenced using "addPoint()" in *any* code that is invoked
> subsequently.
> enjoy,
> -e

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