Hi simsoy

> - I would like a tab bar running along the top with various tags for
> All Pages, Tags, Current Page, Edit, Settings, Ect. The title,
> subtitle and search bar would be above that of course.

Checkout Dave's NoteStorm: http://www.giffmex.org/newsblog/?p=168
or Tobias' tbGtd: http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com/#desk

They both use the TiddlersBarPlugin 

> - I would also enjoy having a little side thingy on the right like
> Wikipedia has to display a picture with description and some advanced
> tagging features that allows me to browse the page's contents and
> individual collapsible sections to divide it up.

You can use custom View- and EditTemplates if you install Eric's

or you can create your own original theme by editing the PageTemplate,
StyleSheet and ViewTemplate of your TiddlyWIki.

> - Section Bars. I like how on mobile Wikipedia for my ipod touch i can
> get little collapsible bars that divide the page's sections up, maybe
> each of the section bars also creates a new tag/page of that so i can
> expand upon the sections latter.

Eric has a Plugin for collapsing Sections 

> - Section Bars linking between pages. I already have pages, but being
> able to divide them up would be nice with those bars. Being able to
> select between material in another page, the idea is adding section
> bars to other pages if they are about simulator things or mention each
> other. Edits on one bar in the first page will appear in the same bar
> in the other page, and vice versa. If a new page is created the
> information from the bar becomes the summary of that new page. I guess
> that if you expand upon that topic and make it more specific you could
> edit the bar from the first page to only show part of the summary or a
> different bar that's more relevant.

Eric's SectionLinksPlugin might do something you'd want:

> - left-hand categorical bar with sub categories. Not tags, categories.

I use tags for categories - If you create a tiddler with the same
title as a tag - you'd have a category tiddler which shows all
tiddlers tagged with that tag.. via the <<tagging>> macro.
You can still use the <<list filter [[tag[SomeCategory]][sort[-
created]]>> macro to create listings of subCategories or items....

> - Wysiwyg bar when editing.

Eric has made an excellent Wikisyntax bar, with almost every kind of
tool, you'd ever need - just for WikiText: 
It's great :-)

> - Pages. I already have them but i dont want to waste everyone time
> having the perfect interface i want with out the main feature,
> individual pages, only to find out that using SinglePage to fix it
> breaks it.

TiddlersBarPlugin uses singlePageMode - however pMario has made a
transclusion that allows you to switch it on or off...

> - Jumping To Page buttons on the end of section bars if they have
> their own page (connected pages idea) or a manage button that allows
> me create a new page out of section bar (while leaving the one in
> current page intact and how it is) so i can expand upon a sub concept
> or topic. Maybe for management, all pages default sectional bar is the
> summary.

If you write a title in double square brackets
[[NonExistingTiddlerTitle]] it will show in italics and upon clicking
that link, you will open a new tiddler with that title, edit it and
save - now the link is a normal wikilink...

> - Not necessary but logo or thumbnail on the top left.

It's doable. Checkout: 

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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