Ok, ok. I'm kinda a noob-advanced user here. I need some help finding
plugins and getting the layout to do what i want it to do. I'm gonna
need some help, but hopefully it will give everyone a good idea for
the layout of their Tiddly.
Note - i am intending to use this wiki offline, for books and stories
so i can have a database on backstory that allows me to expand upon
Second Note - this is really long, i kinda went off and described what
a wiki would look like if i knew how to code... and dev interesting? I
can offer ideas ;)

First off:
- I would like a tab bar running along the top with various tags for
All Pages, Tags, Current Page, Edit, Settings, Ect. The title,
subtitle and search bar would be above that of course.

- I would also enjoy having a little side thingy on the right like
Wikipedia has to display a picture with description and some advanced
tagging features that allows me to browse the page's contents and
individual collapsible sections to divide it up. I will talk more of
that the next little... "-" i guess.

- Section Bars. I like how on mobile Wikipedia for my ipod touch i can
get little collapsible bars that divide the page's sections up, maybe
each of the section bars also creates a new tag/page of that so i can
expand upon the sections latter.

- Section Bars linking between pages. I already have pages, but being
able to divide them up would be nice with those bars. Being able to
select between material in another page, the idea is adding section
bars to other pages if they are about simulator things or mention each
other. Edits on one bar in the first page will appear in the same bar
in the other page, and vice versa. If a new page is created the
information from the bar becomes the summary of that new page. I guess
that if you expand upon that topic and make it more specific you could
edit the bar from the first page to only show part of the summary or a
different bar that's more relevant.

- left-hand categorical bar with sub categories. Not tags, categories.

- Wysiwyg bar when editing.

- Pages. I already have them but i dont want to waste everyone time
having the perfect interface i want with out the main feature,
individual pages, only to find out that using SinglePage to fix it
breaks it.

- Jumping To Page buttons on the end of section bars if they have
their own page (connected pages idea) or a manage button that allows
me create a new page out of section bar (while leaving the one in
current page intact and how it is) so i can expand upon a sub concept
or topic. Maybe for management, all pages default sectional bar is the

- Not necessary but logo or thumbnail on the top left.

..... i did not expect to write so much.... sorry, i'm probably
summing up a perfect wiki that hasn't even been made yet. If it is and
free, offline (i dont want my data stolen, or have to deal with
servers) Might be perfect for a TiddlyWiki desktop! If anyone out
there can code really well or if anyone is interested in making any of
theses plugins feel free to contact me. If you know of any plugins
that do what i am describing or multiple, posting what they do, how to
do it and where i can find it would be helpful. I also how this will
be helpful to people that are just googing their perfect wiki.

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