> Maybe there is some way to programatically copy the word or couple of
> words where a tiddler is clicked in view mode and then when edit mode
> is triggered a script searches for the phrase and place cursor at the
> beginning of the phrase? I just have a very elementary knowledge of
> programming and I think while it might be easy to find out the point
> where the click occurs it might not be easy to find out which words
> are displayed at that point.
> So probably a manual selection might be needed to be done by the user.
> It might go like this: A user selects a phrase by click and dragging
> the mouse and then when he clicks edit button the current selection is
> read programatically and then after edit mode is displayed a searching
> and positioning of cursor is done by the script. This may or may not
> be doable because as I said, my knowledge about this is elementary.

Sounds doable and shouldn't come with too much overhead.

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