Thanks for the list Rich - I realised I'm using three different
variants of my setup, each with different sets of plugins. Stripping
out those which are unique to one or other version leaves only


The only one common to your list is the InlineJavascriptPlugin. - I
upgraded to the latest version of it, and then I tried disabling it.
Had no effect on the behaviour when tiddlers are opened. The only
other things in common between my different versions are that they are
all using modifications of Saq Imtiaz' Haemoglobin theme. Tried
disabling that and also experimented with the EditTemplate all to no

What I did notice when I downloaded a new empty Tiddlywiki to
experiment with is that the default behaviour when tiddlers are opened
has changed - when tiddlers with content are opened the content is no
longer highlighted. I gather this was a bug fixed in 2.6.2

However although I upgraded to 2.6.2 when it was released tiddlers
with content in my various tiddlywikis still have the content
highlighted when I open them. Presumably the upgrade is being
overridden by some part of my set up. Whether this is what Firefox is
running into in setting focus to the bottom of the opened tiddler is
another question of course.

I'm going to rebuild my setup using a clean version of 2.6.2 as a base
and see what I can find. If I get any clues as to what's going on I'll
post this thread.

In the meantime if anyone has any suggestions they'd be gratefully

On May 22, 4:55 am, "" <> wrote:
> I've noticed that too and found it very annoying too!
> Here are the plugons I have running... Which do you also have?
> Rich
> CloseOnCancelPlugin
> ConfigTweaksPlugin
> CoreTweaks
> DisableWikiLinksPlugin
> DropDownTagChooser
> EmailIt
> FirefoxPrivilegesPlugin
> FoldHeadingsPlugin
> ForEachTiddlerPlugin
> Greeting
> HTMLFormattingPlugin
> HideWhenMacro
> HideWhenPlugin
> InLine Tabs Plugin
> InlineJavascriptPlugin
> LaunchApplicationPlugin
> LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy
> MonkeyTaggerMacro
> MptwLayoutPlugin
> NewDocumentPlugin
> NewHerePlugin
> NewMeansNewPlugin
> PasswordOptionPlugin
> PasswordOptionsPlugin
> PlasticCalendarPlugin
> QuickOpenTagPlugin
> ReminderPlugin
> RenameTagsPlugin
> Save and Reload
> SaveCloseTiddlerPlugin
> SimpleFormat
> TabEditPlugin
> TagUtils
> TagglyTaggingPlugin
> TiddlersBarPluginMG
> ToggleTagPlugin
> TspotSetupPlugin
> UploadPlugin

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