Hi Folks

I have managed to resolve the management of the system. Maybe not as
neat as some other proposals could have been...but its working -

The english tiddlers get displayed in a TreeView format in a ShowPopup
panel.....when the user clicks on an item it open in the display
window...and a simple addition to the viewtemplate..sets a
config.option to the tiddler title value.....which the sidebar uses to
display the same tiddler. The display also has a simple button in the
toolbar that uses newHere to open a new tiddler, tagged with the
english tiddler name and the tag "portugues"....where the user writes
the translation.

If the user opens an english tiddler that already is partially
translated...the viewtemplate shows the name of the portugues pair
tiddler (thanks to a simple use of matchTagsPlugin).

So, its basically running as I wanted....maybe a bit
cumbersome.....but basically functional.

Thanks anyway

On May 30, 10:25 pm, skye riquelme <riquelme.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I frequently need to translate between english and portugues...and
> have help in this from friends. So I want to use a TW that makes this
> task easy...as much of the english to be translated is currently in
> TWs anyway.
> So, the idea is a TW with a normal display area and a second panel
> (instead of SideBar) the same width. The idea is to open an english
> tiddler in the second panel...and then use the main display to write
> the translation.
> So what I need.....
> ...first a FET or script that lists the english tidders (tagged
> "english") and on clicking one..it opens in the tiddler in the second
> panel -  not the main display !!! (since I dont need / want to edit
> it).......
> ...and secondly....opens the portugues translation of that english
> tiddler in the main display window......obviously this portugues
> tiddler can be tagged "portugues" and can be linked to the english one
> through tags (the portugues could be tagged with name of the english
> tiddler).....the two tiddlers are "paired up".
> ...and thirdly....if an english tiddler does not have a portugues
> pair...the system then opens a new tiddler labelling it as "portugues"
> and with the english tiddlers title - newHere does that...but how do I
> insert that macro into the english tiddler (that is NOT being
> displayed in the main display?) - can I put tiddler toolbars outside
> the maindisplay???
> Hope thats clear.
> Thanks in Advance
> Skye

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