I agree that this is not a comfortable use case just now.

I tend to put actions in a simple list with a checkbox (CheckboxPlugin). 
Anything that needs more active management I would create in a new tiddler 
later on (not in the meeting) and put a link in the original list.

I do have something else for Risks and Issues though. In this case I use a 
forEachTiddler inclusion that lists the risks for a project in my weekly 
report tiddler. The end of the forEachTiddler includes a computed link - 
when you click on the link, you get a new tiddler with the appropriate 
template and the next risk/issue ID in the title.

Here is the transclusion in case it helps:
|Author|Julian Knight|
|License| |
|Description|Display a listing of risks and issues in a table|
<<tiddler *Risks with: ["I-JK-MIG-001","I-JK-MIG-002"]>>
{{{<<tiddler [[*Risks]] with: ["I-JK-MIG-001","I-JK-MIG-002","XXXX"]>>}}}
<<tiddler [[*Risks##show]] with: ["I-JK-MIG-001","I-JK-MIG-002","XXXX"]>>

  ' tiddler.title.readBracketedList().containsAny( list ) ' 
  script '
    var list=$1;

    function strt(){window.remain = list.slice();return "";}

    function myTitle(t) {
      //if(!window.remain) window.remain = list.slice(); // copy
      window.remain.splice(window.remain.indexOf(t),1); // remove current 
      return t;

    function getMy(n,d,tiddler) {
      var out = store.getValue(tiddler,n);
      if((typeof out) == "undefined") {
        return d;
      } else {
        return out;
  ' "|[[" + myTitle(tiddler.title) + "]]|" + 
     getMy("shorttitle","",tiddler) + 
    "|<<tiddler [["+tiddler.title+"##Description]]$))"  + 
    "|<<tiddler [["+tiddler.title+"##Tasks]]$))" + 
    "|<<RAG "+getMy("rag","G",tiddler)+"$))" + "|\n" '
  begin ' strt() + "|ID |Title| Description |Outstanding Tasks |RAG |h\n" '
  end ' "New: [["+window.remain.join("]],[[")+"]]" '

%/<<tiddler {{ var src='*Risks'; 
src+(tiddler&&tiddler.title==src?'##info':'##show'); }}
    with: [[$1]]>>

The risk template has a number of standard headings (Description, Tasks, 
etc.) that are translated into the required columns. I also have a small 
plugin that I wrote that takes a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status and wraps it 
with a <span> of the appropriate background colour. All risk tiddlers are 
tagged with **Risks* (note the leading *). It's not very pretty I know and 
could do with some serious reworking but I needed it in a hurry and it 
worked well enough for the project I was on.

Regards, Julian Knight

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