I just discovered http://rumkin.com/tools/tiddlywiki/#SortableGridPlugin

which, in the context of giewiki, should definitely be my first
choice, being much more lightweight and not dependent on jQuery.

http://giewiki.appspot.com | http://code.google.com/p/giewiki

On Aug 9, 8:52 am, Poul <poul.stauga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hoping to pave the way for a future project of mine, I wondered if
> anyone has tried to integrate Flexigrid (http://www.flexigrid.info)
> with TiddlyWiki?
> If so, Google hasn't noticed, as far as I can tell :-/. Although it
> has noticed my interest in the subject :-).
> If not, there's still a chance that someone will beat me to it and
> post their results here.
> /Poul

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