On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Himanshu wrote:

> Updated Firefox recently (Mac OSX 10.7, Firefox stable 6.0.1) and just
> discovered that Eric's ImportTiddlers plugin does not work. All I get
> is either '0 tiddlers' or '1 tiddler', which might be the URL itself
> (the behaviour expected if the file is not correctly formatted)
> Searching through the groups, I tried the following suggestions:
> - Disabled the plugin and used the bookmarklets version (http://
> tiddlytools.com/#InstantBookmarklets) - Didn't work
> - Reinstalled the plugin - Didn't work
> So I got rid of the plugin altogether, and tried using Tiddlywiki
> core's implementation of import tiddlers. To my surprise, that didn't
> work either.
> Both - the core and the plugin work perfectly in Safari

If you got the plugin to work -- i.e., not the bookmarklet -- I'd be very 
interested in learning how you did it. This is the only plugin that has never 
worked for me, and I've not been able to get any help with it. Indeed, I 
alienated the list with my pleas for help. [I am not any kind of programmer.] 
The bookmarklet works fine. I wish the plugin did.

Eric Weir

"Human coexistence and social life constitute the good common to us all 
from which and thanks to which all cultural and social goods derive." - Zygmunt 

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