In terms of Chris's post on Google+ (
116116783696216238689/posts/JgAmbBTcmSQ), it seems that the
tiddlyspace architecture is very versatile, but in that less user

So if the end use of tiddlyspace is to be a wiki-like environment,
then things like uploading binary files should be very easy and
intuitive user interface.

If you envision tiddlyspace to be versatile, then when opening a new
space, users could be prompted what they're aim for the space is, so
then think of some options (wiki, notes, sandbox, more ??, and empty
(for advanced users only))

For each of the end-uses a template could be built (a customized
GettingStarted page if you like), but perhaps also a collection of
plug-ins which will expose things like formatting, uploading of

Are you pitching TiddlySpace at people with advanced knowledge of
tiddlers, or are you trying to to offer a service?  Depending on
which, gear yourselfs towards that customer.

In *my* case, I am trying to generate a wiki about a game, so
naturally screenshots of in-game events, or the user interface is an
obvious requirement, so for me having to search to find a way to
upload an image is in no way good.  But I am not necessarily the
target audience, in which case not supporting it intuitively is fine.

In terms of the technical aspects, clicking on the Space: XXXX part is
not at all intuitive if never (or in my case very long ago) faced with
a tiddlywiki backend.

In terms of the backend we have:

I'd suggest starting the backend with a summary page:
No of members: X
No of tiddlers: Y
Activity: (ie people visiting/using the space)
Other interesting stats about the space... (edits?)

Then have Options and Tweaks and perhaps Plugins as obvious stuff that
a space administrator may want to explore, and then have tuck the more
advanced stuff like Includes, Batch, Plugins, Import, Export away
somewhere deeper.

Anyawy, I gtg, good luck!


On Sep 6, 12:37 pm, colmjude <> wrote:
> Thanks very much for the feedback Reenen, it's greatly appreciated.
> On this specific point
> On Sep 6, 7:50 am, Reenen <> wrote:
> > Other than the siteicon it's very hard (in fact I haven't seen how) to
> > upload an image.
> This is very useful, in the past we haven't always been great at
> exposing all the useful functionality. This is something we really
> want to rectify with our current focus on this first time experience.
> To upload images you can use the uploader that can be found in the
> backstage under the options tab, or you can use the uploader plugin.
> To use the plugin create a tiddler with either
> <<binaryUploadPublic>> in it to save the uploaded images to public
> or
> <<binaryUploadPrivate>> to save them privately.
> The macro does accept some other parameters, which if you are
> interested you can read about[1]
> Hope that helps, and thanks once again for your's
> Colm
> [1] -

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