On Sep 8, 10:22 pm, Tobbe <torbjorn.tornqv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Take a look athttp://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/and on the left menu
> click on "Macros built in" and then the tab "new journal".
> //Tobbe


Thanks for the hint, unfortunately I still stuck, here what I've
done :

In DefaultTiddlers If I put <<newJournal "YYYY.0MM.0DD at 0hh:0mm:
I will obtain on the restart 4 tiddlers with those title:
- <<newJournal
- at
- 0hh:0mm:0ss">>

If I put only <<today>> I will have a tiddler with <<today>> as title,
and "The tiddler 'jeu. 08 sept. 2011 22:42:15 CEST' doesn't yet exist.
Double-click to create it" as body message.
I tried to double/simple quote the macro, but without results.

With DefaultTiddlersTweak as it's explain in the link of my first
post, I can't put macros in the middle of some javascript code.

I certainly missing something obvious, but I can't figure out what.


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