Hi All

I have asked this before..... and haven't yet got a response. Not sure
its off topic or what?

I am playing with having TW interact with mySQL, to store references
and the like.

Using HTML forms and server-side php I can get data from TW stored
into mySQL.

The challenge is getting it back in a useable form. Using code that
starts like -

<<option txtUserName>><html><nowiki><form action="http://domian/
uploadPDF/estudando.php" method="POST" target="responseframe">.....

its possible to say query a MySQL database and have the php file
return a value using the print or echo functions...... with that
result showing up as text in the target iframe "responseframe".

However I want to use that feedback and process it inside TW. Thats
the question.

For example, the php file could format the echo response to read
something like "[[open off-site file|refURL]]"...where refURL is an
actual url.......this text is not that useful..... I want to be able
to "wikify" is so that the output is an actual functioning link...
within TW.

While the html /php functioning is well documented elsewhere... this
interaction within TW is...well only you guys can answer that part of
the question??? I hope.

Thanks in Advance

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