Oops, spotted some typos.

The above sentence:
Example 2 with (2) and (3): Basically your example; they're not proper
tab, but I'm sure that with some CSS magic, you could make them look
like tags.

should be:
Example 2 with (2) and (3): Basically your example; they're not proper
tabs, but I'm sure that with some CSS magic, you could make them look
like tabs.


On Apr 13, 9:24 pm, whatever <kbrezov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, you can do it with MatchTagsPlugin (1), NestedSlidersPlugin (2)
> and DOMTweaksPlugin (3). And I think there are some other options as
> well.
> Here are a couple of examples:
> Example 1 with (1) and (3): Get all tiddlers taged tag1 and ta2 but
> not tag3 and display them on panels:
> <<matchTags {{"+++*[%0]#panelName:...<<tiddler [[%0]]>\>==="}} "|"
> tag1 AND tag2 AND NOT tag3>>
> <<matchTags {{"<<DOM move panelName>\>"}} " "tag1 AND tag2 AND NOT
> tag3>>
> The panelName is a code word defining the name of the DOM object,
> which is manipulated. The tags at the end can be a single tag or
> multiple, and you can use Boolean operators, like in the example. So
> you could have tiddlers titled Choice1, Choice2... ChoiceN, which
> would contain similar code for subchoice tiddlers, say, Choice2a,
> Choice2b... Choice2n.
> Example 2 with (2) and (3): Basically your example; they're not proper
> tab, but I'm sure that with some CSS magic, you could make them look
> like tags.
> +++*[Choice A]#ChoiceA:
> Choice A, blah blah!
> === | +++*[Choice B]#ChoiceB:
> Choice B, unlike Choice A, comes in two variants:
> +++*[Choice B1]#ChoiceB1:
> Choice B1, blah blah!
> === | +++*[Choice B2]#ChoiceB2:
> Choice B2, blah blah!
> ===
> <<DOM move ChoiceB1>><<DOM move ChoiceB2>>
> === | +++*[Choice C]#ChoiceC:
> Choice C, blah blah!
> ===
> <<DOM move ChoiceA>><<DOM move ChoiceB>><<DOM move ChoiceC>>
> The only issue here is that for some reason, panels ChoiceB1 and
> ChoiceB2 aren't transient and you can have them both open at the same
> time, which is not what you want, I'm guessing. I tested this without
> the DOM panels and the behavior of the level 2 panels was the same,
> they were not transient. Does anyone know why this is so?
> Hope it helps.
> w
> (1)http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#MatchTagsPlugin
> (2)http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#NestedSlidersPlugin
> (3)http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#DOMTweaksPlugin
> On Apr 13, 2:01 pm, wolfgang <pamo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I know it's possible to do something *similar* by using the standard tabs
> > macro and giving it references to sections of the current tiddler, but
> > among other problems, you can't really nest content that way.
> > Are you're looking for an easier syntax? Because you seem aware that nested
> > tabs are possible today already.

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