Hi Eric

> you need to force the TWCore's
> internal global 'readOnly' flag to be set to true by creating a
> tiddler (e.g. [[SetReadOnly]]), tagged with systemConfig, containing
> this line:
>    window.readOnly=true;
> When you save-and-reload the document, the [[SetReadOnly]] tiddler
> will be invoked (because of the systemConfig tag) and the readOnly
> flag will be set.  However, this makes the document completely non-
> editable for *everyone*, even *you*!  To work around this, you can
> enhance the above line of code like this:
>    window.readOnly==(config.options.txtUserName!="MyName");
> replacing "MyName" with *your* TW username (the one you set via
> <<option txtUserName>> in the sidebar options panel).  Instead of
> always setting the readOnly flag to true for everyone, the above code
> will set the readOnly flag *false* if the current username matches,
> and *true* for everyone else.

Don't know why  :


did not work for me...


If I write:

if (config.options.txtUserName!="UserName1")

it works!

Example: http://xn--mns-ula.dk/TW/phpFiles/#zzConfig

What am I doing wrong with the first line of code? - should I stick
with my own solution?

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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