>I guess the ideal would be some kind of local tags like:
>This is public but <private>this is private and</private> some things
>are <private if user==president> only relevant for your eyes such as</
>private> secrets...
This type of markup doesn't provide privacy, since the server would
need to filter every tiddlers text. At the moment TW does the
rendering clientside so the TW core would filter the private stuff
while rendering. The server will send the whole text to the client. If
you have a look at the TW source code and search for "<private>" you'd
get a nice list of "private" stuff. IMO this is a no go, if you think
of privacy or security. It's ok if you need to deal with visibility.

While TiddlyWeb recipe system knows about different (per bag) access
types, it hasn't been implemented client side. So there is no UI to
configure it and TS isn't designed to use it (yet).


showWhenTagged also only deals with visibility but it is a macro, so
it should be useable inside a tiddler

{{myWrapper{<<showWhenTagged test>> some text }}}
{{myWrapper{<<hideWhen readOnly>> some text }}}

all these hide/show mptw macros remove the containing DOM element, if
they need to hide stuff. Thats why a wrapper like {{x{...}}} is
So example b) may be what you want. It will hide the text if you are
not a member of the space.  IMO it's ugly but it would work for small
junks of text.

hope this helps

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