On 7 Jul., 22:59, twgrp <matiasg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Disclaimer: I hardly understand what this is about at all. Some kind
> of grammatical analysis tooI?
hihi, it's like me.

> Anyway, here's a friendly suggestion: Instead of writing out each, hm,
> thing, after every word like this:
> Bonaparte/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN
> I have to alternate suggestions.
This format seemed to be "best practice". I did make it a different
color and smaller, to make the tags less "aggressive".

Andrew did an other tagger, that just colored the words but I can't
find it anymore at his space [1] :(

> 1) If it is desired that the text is still readible, then I'd suggest
> to (somehow) put each.. thing... on a separate row under the original
> text, like this:
> Bonaparte has been
> NNP ____ VBZ VBN

I did a test page http://postagger.tiddlyspace.com/#TestSlices  which
shows an other possibility to get some tagging per sentence. I used TW
slices to reference the texts. IMO this would be intersting sice you
can use the results using eg: <<tiddler "anyTiddler::o1">> somewhere
else in any tiddler.

> I had to put in the line to create a space. In TW you could put in eg
> &nbsp; or perhaps put it all in a table.
> 2) If it is not necessary to see the very.. things.. directly, then a
> hover popup to show them would make for a more readible text, still
> with the analysis readily available.

I'm sure, there are many possibilities. IMO @andrew needs to tell us,
what's needed :) He seems to be experimenting atm....

have fun!

[1] http://andrewsimon.tiddlyspace.com

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