On Jan 2, 4:58 am, Daniel Baird <danielba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think it would be possible, to rewrite the plugin, to use TiddlyFox and
> > the "core" save mechanism. But I didn't have a closer look.
> LessBackups uses a first-backup-in-each-period method that avoids ever
> deleting files, and also avoids having to always save multiple copies, that
> first occurred to me in the last-ish paragraph 
> here:https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/ARBheDSfpog/p3qyDAz_ETEJ
Hi Daniel,
Nice to see, that you are still around.

I'm having a closer look now ;)
So you used the (now depricated) file access methodes only, to get the
lastModifiedTime, to calculate the expiry variable.

> I'm pretty sure it could work without checking save dates (by recording the
> last saved period in a tiddler) so in theory it could use only the core
> save stuff and still work.

IMO nope, if lastModified dates are stored in a tiddler you run into
synchronisation / consistency problems. It will be very hard to do it
right (eg: copy a file from one computer to an other one, where the
tiddler is invalid). I think a backups system needs to be reliable.

So for me the solution is, to convince Jeremy, to implement a
LessBackup(ish) algorithm.

Without the whole file stuff, it seems to be pretty simple. The only
thing to do, would be a nice TiddlyFox config page to enable / disable

IMO A TiddlyFox config page is needed anyway ;)


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