I place text between these braces to store and display "pure text".

Text here

{{{Text here}}}

But I also past HTML in between the 


Then I get full HTML in my tiddler.

Tags. I don't recall which plugin from TiddlyTools permitted this. I do use 
the FF Plugin "Copy HTML" to make this easier.


On Saturday, 27 September 2008 02:00:33 UTC+10, konrad...@laposte.net wrote:
> Dear TiddlyWiki experts, 
> I am looking for the solution to a problem that seems frequent to me, 
> and yet I didn't find any solution in the archives of this group, nor 
> elsewhere. 
> I have a TiddlyWiki that I use as a personal notebook. It contains 
> basically two kinds of tiddlers: notes that I typed myself, and text 
> pasted in from other sources (usually Web pages). For typing notes, 
> TiddlyWiki is just fine. But pasted-in text often looks ugly when 
> interpreted with Wiki markup. What I'd like to do is tell TiddlyWiki 
> not to apply any specific formatting to a given tiddler, either by 
> adding a tag or by adding some straightforward markup (the less the 
> better). 
> At first I thought <nowiki> or triple quotes would do the job, but 
> they also suppress line breaks, turning my tiddler into a single long 
> paragraph. 
> I want my pasted-in text to look just as if I had pasted it into any 
> word processor: the division into paragraphs should be respected, 
> ideally URLs should be recognized and made clickable (though that's 
> not essential), and that's it. No WikiWords, no strikethrough, nothing 
> at all. 
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions, 
>   Konrad. 

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