понедельник, 6 мая 2013 г., 21:27:59 UTC+4 пользователь PMario написал:
> Hi Yakov,
> Thx for the detailed feedback. It's allways very welcome. 
> On Monday, May 6, 2013 5:20:09 PM UTC+2, Yakov wrote:
>> Second, I must admit, it wasn't easy with current documentation and notes 
>> from previous attempts helped me. I'd suggest to create an "installation" 
>> section and list these steps there:
> There is a video for tiddlyspace that may help (for TS users) 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5tq5xv0FHU 
> I think I'll have to add some links to the ..Info tiddler. 
> My point is, it would be useful, if there were *all* the steps at one 
place, as separately all of them appear in the repository, most at least 

>> If you want to have "block indent" you'll need  ExtraKeysAddOn
> Ok, I see, I'll take this into account. 

> Next, I've encountered several bugs which I'll list in the order of 
>> descreasing importance [all the plugins I used are of up-to-date versions; 
>> I haven't installed the two additional plugins]:
>> * for me, in both Opera and FireFox text selection in the cmEdit mode is 
>> invisible (that's rather disturbing for the workflow), but that happens 
>> only in my local TW, not in the TiddlySpace repository of CodeMirrorPlugins
> ** may be I installed something wrongly? looks like I took all the 
>> necessary tiddlers from [1] 
> I'll need to check this for vanilla file TW. 
> I did some mini-mini-mini test with Opera / Win7 so need to have a look 
> there too. Does Opera allready use the WebKit rendering libraries?
> I think no. They declared their intention, but I think if they changed 
Presto to WebKit, they would surely write that in the changelog, and that 
haven't happened yet.

> * after content-type is chosen with typeChooser, the text area gets 
>> hidden. Saving and reopening the tiddler gets it back to visible and the 
>> content-type is saved, though
> Don't know about this behaviour. Need to check with a vanilla TW. 
>> * when I press and hold the "down" button, sometimes the cursor doesn't 
>> go just down, but also jumps to the right
>> ** I haven't succeed to make this totally reproducabe -- even for me in 
>> the same conditions it sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't. The only 
>> thing I can say is I that happened in a tiddler which consists totally of 
>> list items of different levels
> This was a known error with the codemirror library I'm using. It should 
> have been fixed there, but I can see it from time to time too. But for me 
> it wasn't enough annoyance, to fix it :) I'll have a look. May be an update 
> to the latest 2.x version will help. 
Yeap, that's a minor bug, I mentioned it because I've noticed that, don't 
expect that will annoy much.

>> * finally, " " still appears next to the "1" in the line number 
>> colomn
> From where did you import your plugins. codemirror-plugins.tiddlyspace.com
> ?
> This one should be deffinitely gone. Which file TW version do you use?
I took the plugins from http://codemirror.tiddlyspace.com/. (by the way, in 
the HelloWorld there's a wrong link to 
http://codemirror-plugin.tiddlyspace.com/, in the "Info" section). I took a 
look at the codemirror-plugins space, but no plugins are listed in the 
timeline because of the excludeLists so I haven't found them. Anyway, 
zCodeMirrorPlugin has the same 0.2.8 version as in the codemirror space and 
so CMEditCommands does (0.1.3). Other tiddlers don't contain any Version 
slices. Are they different in the two repositories?

> Some wishes and then ideas:
>> * it would be much more convenient if the typeChooser is a toolbar 
>> command as well -- in this case it wouldn't be necessary to edit templates 
>> at all
> Good idea. Need to check if that's possible.
>> * would be very nice if the "Are you sure you want to abandon your 
>> changes" prompt doesn't appear if no changes were applied. As for now it 
>> does in the zCodeMirrorPlugin even if it wasn't touched; and if any tiddler 
>> was touched but it led to no changes (say, pressed space and then 
>> backspace), the prompt appears as well
> The codemirror library, doesn't keep track of changes in a way, that you 
> know if something was "really" changed. As soon as any key is pressed I 
> need to invalidate the "TW core" editor/buffer, otherwise the "core refresh 
> and cancel" handling bites me. There is probably no easy way to fix this 
> (but I need to have a look at the latest cm library documentation)
> First, let me notice that the issue regarding zCodeMirrorPlugin doesn't 
have to do with those problems. Other than that, I see. Just write if you 
get any new about this. 

There are two more questions about "how much is it possible to interact 
with the plugin?":
* first, if it's possible to create autoindent, is it possible to create 
autocomplete/autoreplace as well? (autoreplace can be particularly useful 
with html entities and some math notations) 
* second, is it possible to add classes styling of which will be applied in 
the edit mode as well? What I mean:

.red { color: red; } in StyleSheet

{{red{smth bad}}} in wikitext

and then "smth bad" becomes red not only in the view mode, but also in the 
cmEdit mode.

> * an idea: to extend the x-tiddlywiki highlightning so that inner links 
>> and wikiwords are highlighted too (may be with blue, paler than that of 
>> external links)
> what do you mean with "inner links" ... "[[" and "]]"  are highlighted. 
> The text in between, is not. 
> hmm. ... WikiWords we'll see
> Well, I mean that the "target tiddler" part in the "[[label|target 
tiddler]]" wikitext can be highlighted (meaning that that's a tiddler). 
Likewise, WikiWords can be highlighted in the same manner. And if "[[target 
tiddler]]" gets highlighted, it probably also does so in <<tiddler [[target 
tiddler]]>> notation.. The overall idea is to highlight the target links.

> * also, as for now I don't see any reason (aside developer's convenience) 
>> to keep all those separated tiddlers: for the ease of installation, it 
>> would be more useful to have at least zCodeMirrorPlugin, CMEditCommands 
>> merged and also codemirror.js, codemirror.css and runmode.js merged
> It was intended, to be used with the "tiddlyspace include mechanism", so 
> several tiddlers are no problem here. I could update the build process. 
> I see. I use CodeMirror locally, that's why I'm asking. Though, I think, 
I'll use it through the SharedTiddlersPlugin's including, so that probably 
won't be a problem.

> Finally, thanks again for the plugin(s).
> you are welcome 
> issues can be posted here too: 
> https://github.com/pmario/tw.CodeMirrorPlugin/issues
> Ok, may be I'll post the main ones, like the invisible selection issue.. 

> have fun!
> mario
> PS: Please be patient, because I'll have to update the "build process" to 
> use "TW5 builds TW2" first. 
> Right.

Best regards,

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