Op dinsdag 5 november 2013 11:48:12 UTC+1 schreef Wim: 

>  I accidentally erased the message, so I posted it again ...
>   Hello,
> my (very personalized) TW-file is based on the teamtask-stylesheet, where 
> the links (a and a:hover) have certain colors.
> Most of my tiddlers are links, like  
>  [img[pijl.jpg]] [[gezondheidsindex en inflatiecijfers|http://
> statbel.fgov.be/nl/statistieken/cijfers/economie/consumptieprijzen/gezondheidsindex/index.jsp]]
> All those tiddlers are grouped (in other tiddlers), based on their tags 
> and the "for-each-tiddler-plugin" and have a darkgray textcolor (a) that 
> changes to darkgray background and white text (a:hover)
> Now, for one new tiddler, I want to change the text-color to fit the (new) 
> background of that (new) tiddler: textcolor = white for both a and a:hover, 
> but for a:hover I want bold text.
> I tried to add @@color:white@@ like 
>  @@font-size:12pt;font-family:arial;color:white;                         
> <<forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAll(["ACTUA_BANC"])' write 
> '"<<tiddler 
> [["+tiddler.title+"]]$))\n"' >>                         
> @@                         
> but this has no effects, as the colors for (a) and (a:hover) come from the 
> TeamTaskSkin 
> So my question is, can I override those teamtaskskin-colors for 
> one tiddler?
> Thanks for helping.
> Wim
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>      **
> *Tobias Beer* 
>  4-nov. (12 uur geleden)
>    *Andere ontvangers: *wim.de...@mandat.belfius.be
>    Bericht vertalen in het Nederlands Bezig met vertalen…Vertaald door 
> Google - Engels ≫ Nederlands - Origineel bekijken  Altijd vertalenVertalen 
> stoppen
>  Hi Wim, What you do is, you wrap your fET in a class, e.g... 
> {{someClass{ <<forEachTiddler ...>> }}} Then you can style the links 
> rendered by fET in your StyleSheet using something like... .someClass 
> .tiddlyLink { font-weight:bold; } Tobias.
>   Hi Wim, 
> What you do is, you wrap your fET in a class, e.g...
>  {{someClass{
> <<forEachTiddler ...>>
> }}}
> Then you can style the links rendered by fET in your StyleSheet using 
> something like...
>  .someClass .tiddlyLink {
>     font-weight:bold;
> }
> Tobias.
Hi Tobias,
thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't work (for me?)
When I omit the ".tiddlyLink", I can see some changes (like 
backgroundcolor), but once I add ".tiddlyLink" I get the original colors as 
if TW doesn't find my newly added class.
What can I have done wrong ?


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