Have you considered 

It's a pretty powerful tool. I'm in the process of trying to create 
basically a TW5 version which is more elegant and user friendly. 

On Monday, February 10, 2014 7:31:36 AM UTC-7, sklpns wrote:
> Hey whatever
> thank you very much for your reply.
> Been struggling with Checkbox Plugin with no luck.
> Writing a script, let alone a plugin, is out of the question, I'm afraid, 
> as I have no coding knowledge.
> The closest I could find is this page
> http://zrenard.com/tiddlywiki/cal.php
> where tiddlywiki code (a calendar table) is produced based on options
> via checkboxes, drop down lists etc, but I couldn't decipher that either.
> should any more ideas come up I'd be grateful.
> thanks again
> sklpns 
> On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 9:58:51 AM UTC+2, whatever wrote:
>> Hi!
>> You can indeed, but you'll need a couple of additional plugins for that. 
>> First, you'll need either CheckboxPlugin (1) or CheckboxToggleTag (2). 
>> Their syntax differs, but they offer similar options. Read their info 
>> tiddlers for more information. Once you decide which one you'll use, add 
>> the appropriate syntax to your fET. Using one of these plugins will involve 
>> adding tags to tiddlers. I suggest you include the TW markup syntax first, 
>> just to see how it would look. It should also help you decide which of the 
>> plugins to use as well as how to go about tagging. You'll also need to add 
>> the appropriate conditions for these tags to fET. Once you have this set 
>> up, you'll also need the RefreshTiddler (3), to force the refresh of the 
>> tiddler containing your fET. Also, you need a button to reset all the 
>> checkbox-added tags. You'll need to write a script which fetches all the 
>> appropriate tiddlers and removes the tags. For that, you'll need 
>> InlineJavascriptPlugin (4). Alternatively, you could just make a plugin for 
>> the whole thing, it would be much more flexible, I think.
>> hth
>> w
>> (1) http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#CheckboxPlugin
>> (2) http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#CheckboxToggleTag
>> (3) http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#RefreshTiddler
>> (4) http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#InlineJavascriptPlugin
>> On Monday, February 3, 2014 10:05:14 PM UTC+1, sklpns wrote:
>>> hey all
>>> I'm using a TeamTasks v0.3 file to organize tasks (some 1300 of them by 
>>> the way).
>>> Having installed ForEachTiddlerPlugin I'm using the following code
>>> <<forEachTiddler
>>>   where
>>> 'store.getValue(tiddler,"UserDefinitions") &&
>>> store.getValue(tiddler,"UserDefinitions").readBracketedList().containsAny([
>>> "PhilHawksworth",
>>> "AnneOther"
>>> ]) 
>>> &&  
>>> store.getValue(tiddler,"ScopeDefinitions") &&
>>> store.getValue(tiddler,"ScopeDefinitions").readBracketedList().containsAny([
>>> "Work",
>>> "Play"
>>> ])
>>> &&  
>>> store.getValue(tiddler,"StatusDefinitions") &&
>>> store.getValue(tiddler,"StatusDefinitions").readBracketedList().containsAny([
>>> "Pending",
>>> "InProgress",
>>> "OnHold",
>>> "Complete"
>>> ])
>>> '
>>>  write
>>>  '"|"+(index+1)+""+
>>> "|[["+tiddler.title+"]]"+
>>> "|"+store.getValue(tiddler,"UserDefinitions")+
>>>                 "|"+store.getValue(tiddler,"ScopeDefinitions")+
>>>                   "|"+store.getValue(tiddler,"StatusDefinitions")+
>>>                 "|\n" '
>>>  begin '"|sortable|k\n|A|!Tiddler|!~User|!~Scope|Status|h\n"'"'
>>> >> 
>>> to generate a table report of tasks, ie a table containing tiddler name, 
>>> user, scope and status columns
>>> Please see a minimal test case here
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67129323/teamtasks%20v03-fet-test.html
>>> My question is: is there a way to add some sort of checkbox interface 
>>> for the fet code?
>>> Something like a number of checkboxes, one for each definition, so, for 
>>> instance, when you check AnneOther, PhilHawksworth and Work 
>>> you get a table report containing only the tasks assigned to AnneOther 
>>> and PhilHawksworth that are categorized
>>> as Work?
>>> hope this makes sense and thanks in advance
>>> sklpns

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