Thanks for that explanation - very helpful!  Thanks also for the reminder 
about the find and replace possibility.  My solution evolved from one in 
which I had figured out how to use setfield to add a tag - so I had that 
piece already and was really focusing on shoehorning in tag removal.  Now 
that I've eliminated an entire <$mangletags> the whole thing is even more 
satisfyingly elegant....

On Tuesday, June 3, 2014 12:14:13 PM UTC-7, Matabele wrote:
> Hi cmari
> I don't know what you are trying to achieve, but there's also a 'find and 
> replace' option for the <$mangletags> widget. Your code using two widgets 
> will add 'newtag' regardless of whether the tiddler was previously tagged 
> with 'oldtag' -- with the find and replace option, 'newtag' will be added 
> only to those tiddlers that were previously tagged 'oldtag'.
> The syntax in this case: <$mangletags find="oldtag" add="newtag"> 
> The widgets may be used in any order -- however, the default behaviour in 
> most cases is to pass on the received message to the next widget in the 
> stack. it is easier, therefore, to stack widgets of the same type adjacent 
> to one another -- changing the message only when the widget type changes 
> (as you have done.) The <$maketid> widget is the exception, as the 
> parameter caught by the widget becomes the default for the template 
> (maintaining compatibility with the standard 'tw-new-tiddler' message) -- 
> and the generated parameter is set to the value of the 'title' attribute. 
> All of the other widgets pass on the title of the target tiddler as the 
> parameter to the message by default (unless changed with 'param='), and 
> pass on the same message by default (unless changed with 'message='.)
> Hope this better explains how to use the widgets.
> regards
> On Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7:33:28 PM UTC+2, cmari wrote:
>> Knowing that it was possible gave me the fortitude to continue with my 
>> trial-and-error flailing!
>> I still don't quite understand the pattern for which macro to use first 
>> and when to add which message where, but in case it's helpful for someone 
>> else, here's my working solution to accomplish the following with a single 
>> button:
>> 1. set a field
>> 2. set another field
>> 3. add one tag
>> 4. remove another
>> <$setfield set="!!field1" setTo="value1">
>> <$setfield set="!!field2" setTo="value2">
>> <$mangletags find="oldtag" message="tw-set-field">
>> <$mangletags add="newtag">
>> <$button message="tw-mangle-tags">button text here</$button>
>> </$mangletags></$mangletags></$setfield></$setfield>
>> (I haven't included a target because I put this in a tiddler called 
>> MyButton and then use it inside other tiddlers, e.g., {{!!title||MyButton}} 
>> )
>> This is really helpful - thanks!
>> cmari

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