I have a database of characters, and I'm using slices to store
background information grouped by year.

Using GridPlugin I've built a simple grid which shows a 5 year block.
The idea is that each column shows one year of the 5, and each row is a
person who had something happen in one of those 5 years (see tiddlers at
the end of this post).

Eventually, there should be four of these grids, showing 20 or so years
of background, with each block of five years only showing characters
appearing in that period.

So far, I have two problems though.

Firstly, the column names are missing from the header, and I'm not sure
if it is something to do with the names I'm using that causes them to be
missing, so are there any hidden restrictions on slice names in
TiddlyWiki classic v2.6.5 or GridPlugin 2.0.7?

This may be related to the fact that the hide/show headers toggle does
nothing to example grids at http://www.tiddlytools.com/#GridPluginInfo
with Firefox 30.0.

The next problem is that even without the 'all' modifier, my grid is
currently showing everyone, even those characters who had no activities
in any of the years selected.

I can't see what I'm doing wrong here, so any help would be appreciated.

If it makes any difference, these ExampleDatabase tiddlers also have
FormTiddler and DataTiddler sections.

Alternatively, is there any other way to do what I'm after, or something

I was thinking that one option might be to create a forEachTiddler per
year, and render this as a list , grouped by year, rather than as a
table, but I can't see how I would do this as a single forEach or how I
might go about nesting one forEach inside another to do this in one go.

Again, any help would be gratefully received,


Stripped down examples
Tiddler: ExampleGrid
<<grid filter:[[ExampleDatabase]]
  columns:[[Year2015 Year2016 Year2017 Year2018 Year2019 Year2020]]
  inline wikify edit
Tiddler: Bobby Noskill
|Year2015|Friend: Bobby Henderson|
|Year2019|Enemy: Bob Dobbs|
Tags: ExampleDatabase
Tiddler: Bobby Henderson
|Year2015|Friend: Bobby Noskill|
|Year2020|Enemy: Bob Dobbs|
Tags: ExampleDatabase
Mark Booth

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