The CSS should go to the Stylesheet. If you'll be doing a plugin, I suggest 
setting up your own shadow tiddler stylesheet like this:

config.shadowTiddlers.ExpirationDateStylesheet = 
"/*{{{*/\n" + 
".ExpirationButton {border: 1px solid black; margin: 0 10px;}\n" + 
".ExpirationText {color: black; font-weight: bold;}\n" + 
store.addNotification("ExpirationDateStylesheet", refreshStyles);

That's one of my short ones. As you can see, the CSS classes are set up the 
same as for any HTML page: .ClassName {property: value; property: value; 
property: value;}

And yes, you just use the CSS class name as the fifth parameter in the 
createTiddlyButton function. Don't forget to put it between quotes.


On Saturday, August 16, 2014 3:59:51 AM UTC+2, Antaeus Feldspar wrote:
> Ton, Mario - thank you!  
> Even knowing it was TWC code, it took me quite a while to get through the 
> block I was having understanding the code.  What finally changed was 
> realizing that the part I was blocked on wasn't part of jQuery's syntax 
> (which I've found quite hard to grasp).  It was in fact an Immediately 
> Invoked Function Expression (extensively used by jQuery, but not specific 
> to it)!  
> I'm quite optimistic that with this as a model, I can start producing the 
> buttons I need.
> One question I still have:  if I want the buttons produced by the plugin 
> to have particular CSS properties, I presume I employ a CSS selector to 
> recognize the "className" passed as the fifth argument to the 
> createTiddlyButton.  Where should that CSS selector go, however?  And what 
> form should it take?

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