Trying to make TW 2.9.0 save in Opera 12.17, I started to trace what's 
going on and here what I've found:

0. TW that I'm currently using is 2.7.1, so I'm not sure yet if the problem 
arised in 2.9.0 or in 2.8.0/2.8.1
1. In 2.7.1 and 2.9.0 javaSaveFile has the same code. I decided to test TW 
2.9.0 with the old TiddlySaver which works for me with TW 2.7.1.
2. When I press "save changes", javaSaveFile is actually called, the 
exception is applet.saveFile is not a function. applet = 
3. In TW 2.7.1 (and old TiddlySaver), if I write in console
I get
<applet style="position:absolute;left:-1px" name="TiddlySaver" 
code="TiddlySaver.class" archive="TiddlySaver.jar" width="1" height="1"/>
In TW 2.9.0 (and old TiddlySaver), I get (!)
HTMLCollection [<applet style="position:absolute;left:-1px" 
name="TiddlySaver" code="TiddlySaver.class" archive="TiddlySaver.jar" 
width="1" height="1"/>, <applet style="position:absolute;left:-1px" 
name="TiddlySaver" code="TiddlySaver.class" archive="TiddlySaver.jar" 
width="1" height="1"/>]
At the same time, if I do this in Chrome, I get
<applet style="position:absolute;left:-1px" name="TiddlySaver" 
code="TiddlySaver.class" archive="TiddlySaver.jar" width="1" height="1"/>
in both cases.

Also, the same thing (HTMLCollection) appears instead of the applet in 
Opera with the new TiddlySaver. So, this is the reason why saving doesn't 

Best regards,

понедельник, 8 сентября 2014 г., 16:13:18 UTC+4 пользователь Yakov написал:
> Hello Eric,
> воскресенье, 31 августа 2014 г., 12:05:09 UTC+4 пользователь Eric Shulman 
> написал:
>> On Friday, August 29, 2014 11:55:40 AM UTC-7, Yakov wrote:
>>> 159: fixed, works; is it really necessary to surrond all the values with 
>>> %22...%22? Even one-word, like true/false or numbers, like 
>>> txtMaxEditRows:30? (it would ease migrating)
>>> As far as I can see (from [1-3]), that would work as expected in both 
>>> versions of cookie-handling.
>> Although many option values are single words, numbers, or true/false, 
>> option values *can* contain whitespace, so at least some of the time, there 
>> is a need for the surrounding quotes.  However, a valid browser cookie 
>> should not contain any quotes, and cookies containing quotes are rejected 
>> by some (but not all) browsers. This is the basis for issue #159, which 
>> reported that Opera did not save the TiddlyWiki option values between 
>> sessions.  Although I have not confirmed, I think that this error was also 
>> responsible for preventing options from being saved in other browsers as 
>> well.
>> TWClassic uses String.encodeHashMap() [1] to construct a space-separated 
>> string of name/value pairs, where each option name is followed by a colon 
>> (:), and the option value is *always* enclosed in double-quotes, like this:
>> name1:"value1" name2:"value2" name3:"value3"
>> The fix for #159 did not change the way the individual option values are 
>> encoded/decoded from the cookie text.  Rather, it simply converts the 
>> *existing* use of quotes to %22 to avoid being rejected by the browser.  Of 
>> course, since most option values are single-words, numbers, or true/false, 
>> we could reduce -- but not completely eliminate -- the use of quotes in the 
>> encoded cookie text, by changing String.encodeHashMap() to check for 
>> whitespace in the option values, and only adding the surrounding quotes 
>> when actually needed.  The resulting cookie text would still need to have 
>> any quotes encoded as %22, so those option values could still be affected 
>> by the "version skew" issue that #whatever reported above.
>> So.. I now have two possible improvements for the 159 fix:
>> 1) maintain backward-compatibility by adding a chkEncodeCookieQuotes 
>> option (default to false) to completely bypass the %22 encoding/decoding. 
>>  This will allow continued use of a mixed version environment (i.e., 
>> TW2.8.1 or earlier running along side TW2.9.0) for browsers that DO accept 
>> cookie values containing quotes.  Of course, because the cookie text would 
>> then contain quotes, browsers that DONT accept quotes will reject any 
>> changes to default option settings; thus, to enable the %22 encoding for 
>> those browsers, the TW author cannot simply "set an option checkbox" (as 
>> that setting would not be saved).  Instead, they would need to explicitly 
>> add a systemConfig tiddler containing:
>> config.options.chkEncodeCookieQuotes=true;
> 2) reduce (but not eliminate) the use of quotes in cookie text by checking 
>> for whitespace in String.encodeHashMap().  This limits the impact of the 
>> %22 encoding, so that MOST option values would be backward compatible 
>> unless they contain whitespace.
>> My only concern about solution (2) is that String.encodeHashMap() is not 
>> only used to encode the option cookie text, but is also used in the TWCore 
>> for some handling of custom fields.  A quick review of the code suggests 
>> that it would be "safe", but I prefer to keep changes as isolated as 
>> possible to minimize their any unexpected impact on existing TiddlyWiki 
>> uses.
>> I think it would be ok to add a new argument to String.encodeHashMap:
> String.encodeHashMap = function(hashmap,dontForceQuots)
> and in those places where it was used previously, no changes will be 
> applied unless the new argument is used. If dontForceQuots is true, quots 
> around one-word values are not put.
> As for the Java issue, it is probable that the old Opera is the source of 
> the problem: after some tweaking, I succeeded in saving in Yandex browser 
> (Chromium-based); I have to test saving to/including from an outer relative 
> folder, though.
> Best regards,
> Yakov.
>> [1] 
>> I have a major problem though: I failed to save the new TW using 
>>> TiddlySaver in these 4 combinations:
>>> Windows 7 x64 + Opera 12.17 +
>>> either my PC with old Java (as far as I can see 7 update 17) or another 
>>> PC with the latest (7 update i-don't-remember-which) +
>>> either old TiddlySaver I still use or the new one in the package.
>>> On trying to save, the console sais:
>>> javaLoadFile: TypeError: 'applet.loadFile' is not a function
>>> javaSaveFile: TypeError: 'applet.saveFile' is not a function
>>> javaDebugInformation() gives:
>>> "Java Version: TypeError: Cannot convert 'method' to object
>>> Last Exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'method' to object
>>> Last Exception Stack Trace: TypeError: Cannot convert 'method' to object
>>> System Properties: TypeError: Cannot convert 'method' to object"
>>> and that's in each case, including the fresh installation on the other 
>>> PC.
>> Hmmm... I'm not sure what's happening here, but I don't see any problems 
>> using the new TiddlySaver.jar with Chrome, so perhaps it's an Opera bug? 
>>  Here's some info that might suggest an avenue of investigation to persue:
>>    - The TiddlySaver.jar included with TW290 was re-built about 6 months 
>>    ago by PVHL (to update the Certificate), and came from here:
>>    - The only TWCore code change related to TiddlySaver was a fix 
>>    to javaDebugInformation() to correct an erroneous function name.  Note 
>> that 
>>    javaDebugInformation is NOT called by the TWCore, and is only provided 
>> for 
>>    use with debugging tools, so it should have NO effect on loading or using 
>>    the TiddlySaver.jar, regardless of the version.
>> Your thoughts?
>> -e

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