For a simple offline Wikipedia, perhaps use:

To take ownership of the information you need. (i.e. have them on YOUR 
> computer where they belong to YOU, this is a core idea behind TW)

I wouldn't think of it as ownership. More like a copy, perhaps an offline 

To have them readily available in the format you work with.

kiwix will give you that, I think ...there also is that android app if you 
wanted it

> To fully incorporate a specific piece of information in a specific 
> revision into your wiki without relying on external sources (which may and 
> will change over time).

I believe, you can access and refer to specific revisions on wikipedia, you 
don't need to point to the latest revision or have to make a copy of it.

To search them

Wikipedia is quite good at that. Of course, always on the latest content, 
which makes sense to me. Kiwix works too..

For most TW users, it will be obvious that the amount of data we are 
> talking about here makes it unfeasable to actually "Import" the data into a 
> TiddlyWiki.

For everyone, really. A standalone TiddlyWiki is clearly not designed for 

> Instead I imagine that, after you converted the data into a TW-like 
> format...

Ok, so that's the thing Richard is proposing... some (commandline) 
interface that primarly does precisely that.

A suitable storage WITH a TiddlyWeb interface on top of it (this is 
> comparatively easy actually).

In terms of getting to show anything, mostly flat, sure... in terms of 
getting the relations and intricacies of fields and templates as on 
WikiPedia, that's not at all "easy".

> A suitable lazy loading mechanism within your client TW.  

A proper search mechanism, since the default TW one will not do the job.

I guess, both of these go hand in hand. So, it would be some yet to be 
invented server-side search and indexing module doing the heavy lifting.

I am still keen to hear of a compelling reason to do all that for large 
dumps of WikiPedia, rather than individual articles.

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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