Ran into a difference in the way files are shared on free and paid Dropbox 
accounts. I expected to to just place my TiddlyWiki and the folders it 
referenced in a shared 
folder on Dropbox and it would be fine. Indeed there were examples that 
seemed to work this way. I couldn't get any images to show up unless I 
embedded them in the 
TiddlyWiki. Brought this question up and got pointers from Jeremy 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/l6gGrau3PiQ/Tvsa64fkTZwJ and 

In short Dropbox used to have a public folder that would allow this to 
work. A new paid Dropbox account now "supposedly", I have not tried it, can 
set up a public 
folder that will work that way.

I've found that I can use my free Dropbox account if I use Dropbox links to 
my external content. To get the necessary links I open the shared folder in 
Firefox and use 
*Identify Element* and *Edit as HTML* to get the link for the image I want 
to reference and place that in my TiddlyWiki. This even works for audio and 
video files.

Just wanted to mention this in case anyone else is using a free Dropbox 
account. Example at: 

Thanks to Jeremy and Tobias for their help.


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