I have been poking the social networking stuff on my site a bit more and if 
you put the script from the tweet button on twitters dev site 
<https://dev.twitter.com/web/tweet-button> into a tiddler tagged with 
$:/tags/RawMarkup all of the links they give for adding the various buttons 
and timelines mostly work in a wiki.
The problem is that unless the tiddler containing the button or whatever 
was open when you loaded your wiki it just shows up as a link. The links 
work for sending tweets, they just aren't pretty. On the other hand 
displaying timelines only works if a tiddler is open when the page is 
The way I am getting around this is to make a simple html file that just 
contains the twitter code and displaying it in an iframe on my page, but 
that isn't something you can do if you don't have your own domain to play 

So, is there a way to force javascript to rerun scripts? If not the buttons 
would still work fine if you put them in something like my icon menus where 
they will never have to be changed after the wiki is loaded, but anywhere 
else would be a problem.

Here it is on my site 
<http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Twitter%20Integration>. If you load 
the page you should see two timelines and a button, but if you edit the 
tiddler (or open the editor and close it) or close the tiddler and reopen 
it only the top timeline shows up the same way, the other two are just 

The timeline is supposed to be an iframe itself, so does anyone know how to 
get access to that like for the twitter follow button 
<http://tiddlywiki.com/#Adding%20a%20Twitter%20Follow%20button> on 

The benefit of being able to use the buttons directly in the wiki is that 
you could author the tweets in your wiki and then have a button that both 
post it to your site and to twitter. I am working on that now.

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