Hi Jed

I'm trying to implement your Calendar in one of my TWs.
This particular TW is used to select songs to form a repertoire.
I select songs by tagging them with a checkbox.
Every day a create a new repertoire - and I need to be able to see when I 
last played a song and how often I have selected this particular song to be 
part of a repertoire. 

I was wondering:
Is it possible to make the checkbox tag a song AND set a new date field 
everytime I tag the song - like: field:date1 value:YYYY-0MM-0DD
Then I would have a new field and field value for each date that I choose 
that song to be part of a repertoire.

Next part would be to find out how to make links to tiddlers with different 
date field names (eg date1, date2, date3 etc) appear in the calendar..

Maybe I'm approaching this the wrong way - please give me a pointer if I 
should set it up another way....

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

Ps: If you want to see my repertoire list TW - I can pm a link and a 

Den fredag den 27. februar 2015 kl. 19.40.48 UTC+1 skrev Jed Carty:
> With help from Astrid and BJ I made a widget that will, given a year and 
> month, generate a calendar for that month. You can give the widget a macro 
> that will be inserted into each day of the month to make the calendar do 
> what you want it to. By default it lists tiddlers that have a field for 
> that day and clicking on a day brings you to a tiddler whose title is the 
> date you clicked on.
> Here is a link to some documentation and the plugin: 
> http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Calendar%20Plugin
> On a slightly related note, does anyone other than me use this stuff or am 
> I just spamming the board showing off toys I made?

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