Hi all,

The twine project started when Amazing Rob was looking for an open source
project to get into, and I suggested he rewrite Tiddlyspot in PHP.  He got
a couple of weekends in but ended up turning his attention elsewhere
(probably I should have hooked him deeper on tiddlywiki first).

I think the choice of PHP could be reviewed.  It's probably still the most
well "supported" across all the crappy free/low cost web hosting setups,
but it's easier to get into stuff like Heroku so maybe Ruby or Node or
whatever would be fine.

With TW5 the need for a simple, stable web host for TiddlyWikis
continues.  *The
biggest problem with producing an open source tiddlyspot is time*.  Simon
and I now live in different cities, and we have kids, work etc to deal
with.  We both *want* to make a modern version of ts, but actually
allocating tinkering time is super hard.

I'll give you all the secret(s) to making tiddlyspot:

 - Don't compromise on the SIMPLE FOR USERS part. Either swallow the
complexity completely, or skip the feature.  User options are sign that
you're failing to make it simple.
 - Serve the tiddlywiki as a single file straight from the disk, using
nginx or apache or whatever.  Don't be tempted to assemble it from tiddlers
stored in a database or whatever.  You don't need a database for tiddler
 - Write the plainest, most boring code you can. Don't try fancy stuff.
And remember the simplest code is that code you don't even have to write.

If anyone's a coder and wants to help crank the handle on a fresh new Ruby,
Node or PHP version of tiddlyspot, let me know :)

P.S. for any habitual TW list lurkers: I'm 821 conversations behind on my
tiddlywiki mailing list reading.. feel free to cc me directly —
danielba...@gmail.com — if something comes up in a thread that you think I
should see.

On 17 August 2015 at 03:52, manoflinux <manofli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Your code seems to have gone missing?
> Any more work on this? it ever get there?
> On Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 6:58:01 AM UTC-5, Daniel Baird wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got an announcement, some rhetorical questions, and a couple of
>> REAL questions I'd love to hear answers to.  If you get bored, please
>> scroll to the end where I ask 'em.
>> The Announcement:
>> ================
>> Imagine if you could just download and unzip some PHP files, and
>> instantly have a tiddlyspot-type server running behind your corporate
>> firewall, on your school server, or just on the Mac Mini in the back
>> of your broom cupboard.
>> That's the goal of a new project that we kicked off a couple of weeks ago.

Daniel Baird
objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
have problems. two I

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