Hi Alex, can you save the file directly to your /var/www/html folder? Or to 
the relevant subdirectory under that? Doing so would isolate out any 
potential Apache issues. Just a thought for diagnosis, not a real solution.

On Friday, 15 January 2016 11:26:52 UTC+13, Alex S. Garcia wrote:
> I recently had to upgrade my entire system and now I can no longer save 
> changes when I edit a tiddly file.
> It's very odd, because I installed a plugin that allows me to work on my 
> files remotely, and when using that I can save data just fine. But doing it 
> from localhost fails with the following message:
> --------------------------------
> It's not possible to save changes. Possible reasons include:
> - your browser doesn't support saving (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari 
> and Opera all work if properly configured)
> - the pathname to your TiddlyWiki file contains illegal characters
> - the TiddlyWiki HTML file has been moved or renamed
> --------------------------------
> I've tried with different browsers (Firefox, Vivaldi and Opera) but they 
> all return that same error.
> And it's not the pathname (besides, it's the same as before, and it worked 
> fine in the past).
> And I haven't moved any of the files around, so it's not that third thing 
> either.
> I'm suspecting perhaps a permission issue, but I've tried everything I 
> could think of to no avail.
> My tiddly folder is owned by my user (likewise for the group) and the 
> permissions are set to drwxrwxr-x.
> The contents of that folder are also owned by my user, with permissions 
> set to -rwxrwxr-x.
> /var/www & /var/www/html are both owned by root:root (drwxr-xr-x).
> What am I missing here?
> On a side note, I made apache a member of my user's group so that it could 
> have access.
> Any thoughts/leads would be appreciated!
> Alex.
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.alexsgarcia.com/
> http://www.myspace.com/asglyrics
> Music Videos : http://mvdbase.com [database]
> http://www.freelists.org/list/mv [mailing-list]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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