
I'm a little confused about the purposes of these utilities -- what can 
they do that can't be done with the standard method?

For those who are unaware of the standard method -- this is my usual 
1. Tag each of the tiddlers you wish to export with the tag 'export'
2. Open the Filter tab of Advanced Search
3. Enter the filter expression '[tag[export]]' (this should list the 
tiddlers you wish to export)
4. Click the little 'Export tiddlers' button next to the filter search box
5. Select 'JSON File'
6. Enter the name of your file, and save
7. Drag the saved file onto your other wiki
8. Import the tiddlers
9. If any of the tiddlers contained plugins, save and refresh

And you're done.


On Saturday, 9 January 2016 15:54:02 UTC+2, Jed Carty wrote:
> A while ago there was a lot of discussion about making things like 
> mini-plugins that are just for easily moving groups of tiddlers from one 
> wiki to another. Prompted by Mats questions over here 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/KAftTbkJoOo> I 
> finally got around to making a way to do this.
> It has two parts:
> First, a purely wkitext tool that lets you give a filter and a name, it 
> then packs all of the tiddlers returned by the filter into a school tiddler 
> with the given name.
> Second, after importing a school into your wiki you use the 
> action-import-school widget to take the information contained in the school 
> and unpack it into tiddlers.
> Some differences between this and plugins:
> There is no version control here
> All tiddlers are normal tiddlers, there are no shadow tiddlers created
> There is no need to reload your wiki after importing a tiddler school
> So far I have found one bug that I can't track down. If you try to make a 
> school on tiddlywiki.com using either the filter '[tag[Messages]] or 
> [tag[Filter Operator]] it gives a too much recursion error. I can't figure 
> out why because I haven't run into other filters that give the same error.
> The demo site with the tools is here 
> <http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/TiddlerSchools/>.
> Let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.

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