On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 8:30:21 AM UTC-8, Smandoli wrote:
> Matabele, I think you mean Lotus 123 was exciting to discover, gave you a 
> feeling of power?  My moment of discovering that kind of glory was Electric 
> Pencil <http://www.digibarn.com/collections/manuals/electric-pencil/>, 
> which my Dad let me play with on his computer in 1981.  I wrote two poems 
> that I still think about.   Four years later I found this kind of rush 
> again, using a mouse for the first time and fill in pixels with MacPaint.
I think it would be a lot of fun to gather people's "computer epiphanies", 
> mind-blowing first encounters.  TW wasn't the first Big Bang software 
> experience for me, but it's the one that has been the most significant 
> since the 1980's and it's the one that still delivers hits of adrenal joy.  


I've been very fortunate to have actually experienced some of the major 
computing "breakthroughs" of the past 35+ years... here's some of my 
personal computer milestones:

* used ElectricPencil in 1979 on a TRS-80 (model 1, level II)
  = word processing
* used Xerox PARC Altos in 1981 (at Carnegie-Mellon)
  = mouse, windows, networking, multi-user
* accounts at both CMU and MIT via ArpaNet 1981
  = pre-internet!
* bought a Mac 128K in June 1984 (6 months after the Mac was first 
  = personal gui machine
* worked *at* Lotus as a developer on 1-2-3 (for Windows and OS/2) from 
  = spreadsheets
* created my first website in 1993 (worldline.com - a stock analysis/report 
  = websites

.. and, of course, for the past 10+ years... TiddlyWiki.


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