Hi again Eric,

Your LegalStatements tiddler <http://tiddlytools.com/#LegalStatements> 
advises that any modifications of your code should best be handled as a 
feature request. I haven't dug deep enough yet to be making such a request, 
but I thought it might be useful to know in advance if there is a GitHub 
repository for this macro, so that any issues can be raised there?


On Monday, 4 April 2016 08:36:24 UTC+12, Hegart Dmishiv wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Here's what I've got so far, after just a few minutes of playing with your 
> macro. It replicates my *<$select>* widget example above, but using your 
> *<<combobox>>* macro instead...
> <<combobox tiddler:"$:/_Temp/foobar" field:"city" filter:"[tag[foobar]]">>
> What I'd like to know now is how to use the *filter:* parameter to 
> specify only the unique values of the "city" field for each tiddler that is 
> tagged as  foobar , and to ignore those tiddlers returned by the filter 
> that don't contain a "city" field. How would I go about doing that?
> Hegart.
> On Sunday, 3 April 2016 23:09:47 UTC+12, Eric Shulman wrote:
>> On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:40:11 AM UTC-7, Hegart Dmishiv wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have finally mastered the *<$select>* widget, but it has left me 
>>> wanting a *<$combobox>* widget as well.....I know we have the original 
>>> inventor of the combobox itself, lurking around here somewhere, hehe.
>> Ok.... here's my ComboBox macro.... (note: this is NOT officially 
>> published yet, and is subject to change without regard to 
>> backward-compatibility.
>> http://tiddlytools.github.io/InsideTW/empty.html#TiddlyTools%2FMacros%2Fcombobox
>> and here's some (preliminary) documentation:
>> http://tiddlytools.github.io/InsideTW/empty.html#TiddlyTools%2FMacros%2Fcombobox%2Finfo
>> The combo box appears as a basic text input field, except that when you 
>> mouse over it, a down arrow button appears, allowing you to display a list 
>> of items to select from (using a filter you specify as a macro parameter). 
>>  Depending upon optional parameters, you can have the list also appear as 
>> soon as you begin to type into the input field, and also have the list 
>> progressively filtered to only items that 'match' the current input value.
>> In addition to the basic edit/list combination, the macro also permits 
>> you to specify an "okaction" parameter (see examples) that performs 
>> action(s) based on the contents of the input field.  When an okaction is 
>> provided, mousing over the input field shows ok and cancel buttons in 
>> addition to the down arrow button.
>> enjoy,
>> -e
>> Eric Shulman
>> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
>> InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manuals
>> Note: the URLs above (as well as the URLs contained in the documentation 
>> itself) are not the final location for these tiddlers, and *WILL* change 
>> when published (hopefully very soon).

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