
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Danielo Rodríguez <rdani...@gmail.com>

> Only the data that is currently loaded in memory is included. What does
> this mean? By default, when tiddlywiki uses a sync-adaptor it first
> requests to it all skinny tiddlers. Those are tiddlers without the text
> field. When that tiddler is opened then the text field is downloaded. Let's
> review one example:
>    1. You open your NoteSelf wiki. All the skinny tiddlers are loaded
>    from the local DB. Those tiddlers are not completed, they miss the text
>    field.
>    2. You add some tiddler with some text. That tiddler is saved to the
>    local database and to the wiki store (currently loaded wiki)
>    3. You save the wiki. What you will get is a TW with your tiddlers for
>    this editing sessions and maybe those that you have opened for reading.
> That was news to me. Thanks for explaining it so clearly.

> To be honest, I can easily fix this situation by returning the FAT(full)
> tiddlers when skinny ones are requested, but the convention is to not do
> that. Also it could important impact on memory usage and performance
> because all the tiddlers would be loaded into memory. This may not be very
> important on desktops, but it is on mobiles and slow computers where TW
> behaves very slowly.

I agree always loading the full tiddlers would not be the best default.

Maybe I can include it as a configurable option and let every user chose
> what they want.

Or make the functionality for filling all the tiddlers available on demand.
That way I can create my own save button which fills all the skinny
tiddlers and then calls the normal save functionality. Then if I wanted to
return to mostly skinny tiddlers again, just refresh the page.


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