
> Looks like a very versatile solution. I notice that some of the tags 
> overlap into the next column. Appears you have to tweak the max/min pixels 
> to suit your particular data set, right?

Tagpills seem to be blocks (I'd guess inline-blocks in TWs native 
stylesheets). This makes tagpills in a row overlap if they are wider than 
what you set the cell max/min width to be. Listed *titles* instead wrap, 
obeying the max/min width and expanding the cell height (and thereby also 
the row height). If you want tagpills to behave like titles, I think this 
should all be css controllable.

You could see if adding "overflow-x:hidden; border-left:3px solid white;" 
to the item is more to your liking. This should prevent two overlapping 
tagpills of the same color from appearing like one. You could also go fancy 
and add a gradient or image to the right in each cell so any too-long-pill 
fades before it reaches the end.

The difficulty, I find, is to decide where to compromise when one wants to 
squeeze in unpredictably sized data into a fixed layout ...overlap or 
truncate or expand... :-)


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