Ahhhh!  Thanks much, Mark!  I saw that documentation, but did not realize 
its implications. 

So, just to be clear, it's saying?...

   1. look at stuff that's not a system tiddler;
   2. filter anything that's got a "modified" field;
   3. do a reverse sort on the "modified" date;
   4. and then, if the user put some limits on the listing, use those 

And then what you are saying is that since this is embedded in the timeline 
macro, any sort criteria I try to apply to "created" will be to no avail?

Unless... I clone the macro & modfify it to use the "created" field?

Thanks again!

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 2:19:59 PM UTC-8, Mark S. wrote:
> Per the documentation, timeline uses this filter:
> [!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[
> modified]]
> This means that a sort on the modified field is applied after the 
> subfilter and will take precedence over a sort order specified in the 
> subfilter.
> I guess I would consider cloning $:/core/macros/timeline perhaps creating 
> a macro "timeline2" and then change the sort in the filter expression to 
> work your way. If you clone and modify, remember that you have to save and 
> refresh before the new macro will take effect. Also be sure to have a 
> backup of your TW file before you start.
> Good luck,
> Mark
> On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 10:42:58 AM UTC-8, Daniel Cunningham 
> wrote:
>> Hi All -- new TW5 user here.  Really love the product so far.  
>> I've run into a behavior that might be a bug, or (more likely) me just 
>> not understanding the syntax.  I'm trying to display a list of tiddlers by 
>> date created (not just modified).  And it seems to me that the negation 
>> operator in my subfilter is not acting upon my sort criteria.  
>> I thought the code below would produce different ordered lists, but it 
>> does not.   
>> !! List tiddlers by creation (not modification) date:
>> !!! Show oldest on top, newest on bottom?
>> <<timeline dateField:"created" 
>>     subfilter:"sort[created]"
>>     format:"ddd 0DD MMM YYYY">>
>> ---
>> !!! Show newest on top, oldest on bottom?
>> <<timeline dateField:"created" 
>>     subfilter:"!sort[created]"
>>     format:"ddd 0DD MMM YYYY">>
>> This is with a freshly downloaded "empty" TW5 instance.
>> My preference is to do this in "vanilla" TW5, because (1) I want to make 
>> sure I actually understand the syntax, and (2) I'm not sure which plug-in 
>> "pet" I want to adopt yet (I want to take them ALL home, but I know that's 
>> not wise).
>> -- Daniel

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