On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:46:04 AM UTC-5, jarcoug...@gmail.com wrote:

> I also came by TW after trying LOTS of notes managers (i still have 
> Keynote NF as a crutch). 

Wow, I worked with Marik (the original developer) 
<http://www.tranglos.com/free/> for many years on that project and the 
Oubliette App also.  Unfortunately, both projects had too much of a 
dependency on Microsofts's RichEdit DLL Libraries and too many third party 
components.  I even wrote miniature versions of both that ran on PDA's, 
that was before smartphones of course.  I even spent a lot of time writing 
specific RTF parsers to do things like insert tables and links into the 
document.  I even wrote a lot of Libraries to convert KeyNote/Oubliette 
objects from/to Microsoft's.NET objects because Delphi (the language used 
to compile KeyNote) used color and other primitive data types in an 
entirely very different manner.

I was sad to see the project die, but in 2003, I had to sign a work 
agreement with a Fortune 100 company (that was also a US Military Supplier) 
to not do any encryption work with anyone outside the USA and both projects 
used Blowfish and IDEA ciphers. Both were publicly published ciphers, but 
that didn't matter to my employer. Marek resided in Eastern Europe. Other 
than myself, Marek didn't really have much other help because back then 
compilers were neither free or inexpensive. There was no GitHub and 
SourceForge was relatively new and the project was not hosted there at the 
time.  Development progressed via ZIP compressed email attachments. LOL

I used to communicate with Marek via email several times a week but I 
haven't communicated with him in more than a decade now.

I miss those times....


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